Hi, I am new to Julia and JuMP package. Recently I am trying to use JuMP
to solve similar optimization problems like Power Systems posted in JuMP’s tutorial.
I read through the page, find the section unit commitment is amazing! Following is the code from
the JuMP website:
using JuMP
import DataFrames
import GLPK
import Plots
import StatsPlots
function ThermalGenerator(
return (
min = min,
max = max,
fixed_cost = fixed_cost,
variable_cost = variable_cost,
endgenerators = [
ThermalGenerator(0.0, 1000.0, 1000.0, 50.0),
ThermalGenerator(300.0, 1000.0, 0.0, 100.0),
WindGenerator(variable_cost::Float64) = (variable_cost = variable_cost,)wind_generator = WindGenerator(50.0)
function Scenario(demand::Float64, wind::Float64)
return (demand = demand, wind = wind)
endscenario = Scenario(1500.0, 200.0)
function solve_uc(generators::Vector, wind, scenario)
uc = Model(GLPK.Optimizer)
N = length(generators)
@variable(uc, generators[i].min <= g[i = 1:N] <= generators[i].max)
@variable(uc, 0 <= w <= scenario.wind)
@constraint(uc, sum(g[i] for i in 1:N) + w == scenario.demand)
# !!! New: add binary on-off variables for each generator
@variable(uc, u[i = 1:N], Bin)
@constraint(uc, [i = 1:N], g[i] <= generators[i].max * u[i])
@constraint(uc, [i = 1:N], g[i] >= generators[i].min * u[i])
sum(generators[i].variable_cost * g[i] for i in 1:N) +
wind.variable_cost * w +
# !!! new
sum(generators[i].fixed_cost * u[i] for i in 1:N)
status = termination_status(uc)
if status != OPTIMAL
return (status = status,)
return (
status = status,
g = value.(g),
w = value(w),
wind_spill = scenario.wind - value(w),
u = value.(u),
total_cost = objective_value(uc),
solution = solve_uc(generators, wind_generator, scenario)
println("Dispatch of Generators: “, solution.g, " MW”)
println("Commitments of Generators: ", solution.u)
println("Dispatch of Wind: “, solution.w, " MW”)
println("Wind spillage: “, solution.wind_spill, " MW”)
println(“Total cost: $”, solution.total_cost)
Here, the unit commit is achieved by introducing the binary variable u.
Can we think of this case as a mix-integer optimization problem? So JuMP can be directly used to
solve a mix-integer optimization problem? Because I was expecting a mix-integer solve to solve this kind of problem where the decision variables include integer and real numbers (float).
Thank you very much for your time!