I want to clone this chart :
Views about AI’s impact on society in the next 20 years, 2021
here is my code
using Tidier, DataFrames, CSV, AlgebraOfGraphics, Pipe
countrys = ["Japan", "China", "Germany", "France"]
cats = [
"Mostly help",
"Refused - help/harm question",
"Don't have an opinion, Don't know - help/harm question",
"Mostly harm"
df = @pipe CSV.File("./data/views-ai-impact-society-next-20-years.csv") |>
DataFrame |>
coalesce.(_, 0)
"Mostly help" => :x1,
"Neither" => :x2,
"Refused - help/harm question" => :x3,
"Don't have an opinion, Don't know - help/harm question" => :x4,
"Mostly harm" => :x5
df2 = @chain df begin
@filter(Entity in ["Japan", "China", "Germany", "France"])
@filter(Year == 2021)
@select(Entity, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5)
@pivot_longer(_, x1:x5, names_to = opinion, values_to = counts)
opinion = case_when(
opinion == "x1" => "Mostly help",
opinion == "x2" => "Neither",
opinion == "x3" => "Refused",
opinion == "x4" => "Don't have an opinion",
opinion == "x5" => "Mostly harm"
axis = (
width = 600,
height = 200,
xticklabelrotation = pi / 8,
title = "Opinion on AI development in next 20 years",
yticks = (1:4, countrys),
xticklabelsvisible = false,
xgridvisible = false,
xticksvisible = false,
ylabel = "Country",
xlabel = "Percent"
data_layer = data(df2)
mapping_layer = mapping(:Entity, :counts; color = :opinion, stack = :opinion)
visual_layer = visual(
direction = :x,
flip_labels_at = 0.1,
bar_labels = :y,
label_color = :white
data_layer * mapping_layer * visual_layer;
axis = axis,
legend = (
position = :right,
titleposition = :top,
framevisible = false,
padding = 1
use bar_labels
can get label but position is not ok ,better be at center, how to tweak this issue, by the way , delete total precent
In short , I want to put numbers in the middle