I am trying to write a RNN that given an initial “seed” sequence, it reproduces the continuation of the sequence.
In the code above dummy sequences are generated as function of these initial seed points and a RNN approach is attempted, but when I plot the generated sequences are very badly connected with the “true” ones.
Where am I wrong ?
Setting the environment…
# Setting the environment...
using Pkg
# Pkg.add(["Plots","Flux"])
# Pkg.resolve()
# Pkg.instantiate()
using Random
using LinearAlgebra, Plots, Flux
Generating simulated data
The idea is to have a sequence that depends on the first 5 values. So the first 5 values are random, but the rest of the sequence depends deterministically to these first 5 values and the objective it to recreate this second part of the sequence knowing the first 5 parts.
nSeeds = 5
seqLength = 5
nTrains = 1000
nVal = 100
nTot = nTrains+nVal
makeSeeds(nSeeds) = 2 .* (rand(nSeeds) .- 0.5) # [-1,+1]
function makeSequence(seeds,seqLength)
seq = Vector{Float32}(undef,seqLength+nSeeds) # Flux Works with Float32 for performance reasons
[seq[i] = seeds[i] for i in 1:nSeeds]
for i in nSeeds+1:(seqLength+nSeeds)
seq[i] = seq[i-1] + (seeds[4]*0.5) # the only seed that matters is the 4th. Let's see if the RNN learn it !
return seq
return seq[nSeeds+1:end]
x0 = [makeSeeds(nSeeds) for i in 1:nTot]
seqs = makeSequence.(x0,seqLength)
seqs_vectors = [[[e] for e in seq] for seq in seqs]
y = [s[2:end] for s in seqs_vectors] # y here is the value of the sequence itself at next step
xtrain = seqs_vectors[1:nTrains]
xval = seqs_vectors[nTrains+1:end]
ytrain = y[1:nTrains]
yval = y[nTrains+1:end]
# Flux wants a vector of sequences of individual items, when these in turns are vectors
allData = xtrain;
aSequence = allData[1]
anElement = aSequence[1]
Utility functions
function predictSequence(m,seeds,seqLength)
seq = Vector{Vector{Float32}}(undef,seqLength+length(seeds)-1)
Flux.reset!(m) # Reset the state (not the weigtht!)
[seq[i] = [convert(Float32, seeds[i])] for i in 1:nSeeds]
[seq[i] = m(seq[i-1]) for i in nSeeds+1:nSeeds+seqLength-1]
[s[1] for s in seq]
function myloss(x, y)
Flux.reset!(m) # Reset the state (not the weigtht!)
[m(x[i]) for i in 1:nSeeds-1] # Ignores the output but updates the hidden states
# y_i is x_(i+1), i.e. next element
sum(Flux.mse(m(xi), yi) for (xi, yi) in zip(x[nSeeds:(end-1)], y[nSeeds:end]))
Transform a vector of sequences of individual elements represented as feature vectors to a vector of sequences of elements represented as features × batched record matrices
function batchSequences(x,batchSize)
x = copy(xtrain)
batchSize = 3
nRecords = length(x)
nItems = length(x[1])
nDims = size(x[1][1],1)
nBatches = Int(floor(nRecords/batchSize))
emptyBatchedElement = Matrix{Float32}(undef,nDims,batchSize)
emptySeq = [similar(emptyBatchedElement) for i in 1:nItems]
outx = [similar(emptySeq) for i in 1:nBatches]
for b in 1:nBatches
xmin = (b-1)*batchSize + 1
xmax = b*batchSize
for e in 1:nItems
outx[b][e] = hcat([x[i][e][:,1] for i in xmin:xmax]... )
return outx
Defining the model
m = Chain(Dense(1,3),LSTM(3, 3), Dense(3, 5,relu),Dense(5,1))
ps = params(m)
opt = Flux.ADAM()
Plotting a random sequence and its prediction from untrained model…
seq1True = makeSequence(x0[1],seqLength)
seq1Est0 = predictSequence(m,x0[1],seqLength)
Actual training
trainMSE = Float64[]
valMSE = Float64[]
epochs = 20
batchSize = 16
for e in 1:epochs
print("Epoch $e ")
# Shuffling at each epoch
ids = shuffle(1:length(xtrain))
x0e = x0[ids]
xtraine = xtrain[ids]
ytraine = ytrain[ids]
xtraine =batchSequences(xtraine,batchSize)
ytraine =batchSequences(ytraine,batchSize)
trainxy = zip(xtraine,ytraine)
# Actual training
Flux.train!(myloss, ps, trainxy, opt)
# Making prediction on the trained model and computing accuracies
global trainMSE, valMSE
ŷtrain = [predictSequence(m,x0[i],seqLength) for i in 1:nTrains]
ŷval = [predictSequence(m,x0[i],seqLength) for i in (nTrains+1):nTot]
ytrain = [makeSequence(x0[i],seqLength) for i in 1:nTrains]
yval = [makeSequence(x0[i],seqLength) for i in (nTrains+1):nTot]
trainmse = sum(norm(ŷtrain[i][nSeeds+1:end] - ytrain[i][nSeeds+1:end-1])^2 for i in 1:nTrains)/nTrains
valmse = sum(norm(ŷval[i][nSeeds+1:end] - yval[i][nSeeds+1:end-1])^2 for i in 1:nVal)/nVal
println("MEan Sq Error: $trainmse - $valmse")
Plotting some random sequences
for i = rand(1:nTot,5)
trueseq = makeSequence(x0[i],seqLength)
estseq = predictSequence(m,x0[i],seqLength)
seqPlot = plot(trueseq[1:end-1],label="true", title = "Seq $i")
plot!(seqPlot, estseq, label="est")
Plotting the error
Strange, the validation error is always lower than the training error…
plot(trainMSE,label="Train MSE")
plot!(valMSE,label="Validation MSE")
The error changes depending of the parameter but got always stuck to some local minima, typically taking the expected value of the sequence unconditionally (i.e. horizontal line):
And some sequence true/predicted looks like:
(note that the estimate doesn’t change. Sometimes I can make it change, but I always have outputs very far from the intended sequence)
Crosspost on SO: deep learning - How to train Flux.jl to learn a sequence conditional to some initial "seeds"? - Stack Overflow