I have a 3D viewer written in MakieGL. I have a button “PLAY”, and I want it to change to a “PAUSE” button when clicked and back to a “PLAY” button when clicked again.
How can I achieve that?
I have a 3D viewer written in MakieGL. I have a button “PLAY”, and I want it to change to a “PAUSE” button when clicked and back to a “PLAY” button when clicked again.
How can I achieve that?
You can for example use an observable to track the play/pause state and lift the button label off of that.
running = Node(false)
function toggle_running()
running[] = !running[] # or more complex logic
b = Button(..., label = @lift($running ? "PAUSE" : "PLAY"))
on(b.clicks) do _
Works nicely!
Complete example:
using GLMakie
running = Node(false)
function toggle_running()
running[] = !running[] # or more complex logic
fig[2, 1] = buttongrid = GridLayout(tellwidth = false)
btn = Button(fig, label = @lift($running ? "PAUSE" : "PLAY"))
buttongrid[1, 1:1] = [btn]
on(btn.clicks) do _
gl_screen = display(fig)
return nothing
For info: In my current GLMakie (V0.10.18): Node
s are now called Observable
s (in line with Observables.jl)
Historic link to Makie docs with Node: Observables & Interaction