This is a bit old, but let me just point out that Julia beautifully allows one to solve this problem by defining a custom type that holds a number of arrays, and teaching it how to sort itself. Then sort!
can sort using the values in the first array, but updating the order for the second array too. This allows a solution that is faster, and with less allocations, than the sortperm
approach. But of course it requires quite a bit more code
struct CoSorterElement{T1,T2}
struct CoSorter{T1,T2,S<:AbstractArray{T1},C<:AbstractArray{T2}} <: AbstractVector{CoSorterElement{T1,T2}}
Base.size(c::CoSorter) = size(c.sortarray)
Base.getindex(c::CoSorter, i...) =
CoSorterElement(getindex(c.sortarray, i...), getindex(c.coarray, i...))
Base.setindex!(c::CoSorter, t::CoSorterElement, i...) =
(setindex!(c.sortarray, t.x, i...); setindex!(c.coarray, t.y, i...); c)
Base.isless(a::CoSorterElement, b::CoSorterElement) = isless(a.x, b.x)
Base.Sort.defalg(v::C) where {T<:Union{Number, Missing}, C<:CoSorter{T}} =
With this you can do
julia> cur_x = rand(1:10, 10); cur_y = rand(10); using BenchmarkTools
julia> c = CoSorter(cur_x, cur_y); @btime sort!($c)
30.111 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
10-element CoSorter{Int64,Float64,Array{Int64,1},Array{Float64,1}}:
CoSorterElement{Int64,Float64}(1, 0.40265954276014937)
CoSorterElement{Int64,Float64}(3, 0.07364824869474873)
CoSorterElement{Int64,Float64}(4, 0.7341851985737331)
CoSorterElement{Int64,Float64}(5, 0.0010439543093452297)
CoSorterElement{Int64,Float64}(6, 0.8187812476982932)
CoSorterElement{Int64,Float64}(6, 0.8235149239112314)
CoSorterElement{Int64,Float64}(7, 0.891985683971432)
CoSorterElement{Int64,Float64}(7, 0.5556465187657322)
CoSorterElement{Int64,Float64}(8, 0.9217791949844834)
CoSorterElement{Int64,Float64}(10, 0.32895616976956177)
The original arrays have now been co-sorted in-place.
For comparison, I think the next fastest is @anon94023334’s solution
julia> @btime sort(collect(zip($cur_x, $cur_y)); by=first);
111.781 ns (5 allocations: 608 bytes)
EDIT: some corrections