I have several integers input from a function like this
function foo(a::Int...)
How do I sort a? I have to collect it first and sort it as a vector at the moment. Will it possible to sort it directly?
I have several integers input from a function like this
function foo(a::Int...)
How do I sort a? I have to collect it first and sort it as a vector at the moment. Will it possible to sort it directly?
You can use https://github.com/JeffreySarnoff/SortingNetworks.jl:
julia> using SortingNetworks
julia> function foo(a::Int...)
return swapsort(a)
foo (generic function with 1 method)
julia> foo(5, 2, 4, 3, 1)
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Also, see TupleTools.jl
Also, if your NTuple happens to live on the heap, consider Base.sort!
with a pointer.
Re SortingNetworks.jl
: This is really cool! But somehow 0.6 refuses to emit the good (CMOV
instead of branch) code for small integers (this gives an ~8x slowdown for
, Int16
, Int8
compared to Int64
, UInt64
; for some reasons, floats are slow anyway)
Interpreting a pointer as a small array:
struct ptrArray{N,T}<:AbstractVector{T}
ptrArray(ptr::Ptr{NTuple{N,T}}) where {N,T} = ptrArray{N,T}(convert(Ptr{T}, ptr))
Base.length(x::ptrArray{N,T}) where {N,T} =N
Base.size(x::ptrArray{N,T}) where {N,T} =(N,)
Base.getindex(x::ptrArray,i) = unsafe_load(x.ptr,i)
Base.setindex!(x::ptrArray,v,i) = unsafe_store!(x.ptr,v,i)
Base.IndexStyle(::ptrArray) = Base.IndexLinear()
Postscript: 0.7 fixes this on small integers (CMOV instead of branch), but still fails to generate branch-free code for floats (missing @fastmath
leading to very complicated NaN
-aware minmax
?). I wonder whether someone cooked up sorting networks for vector instructions.
Thanks for kind thoughts and hoorah for v0.7!
as of Julia 1.12 (Add sort for NTuples by LilithHafner · Pull Request #54494 · JuliaLang/julia · GitHub)