How to set the random seed using GLPK.jl?

I have asked my students to set a fixed random seed in their experiments with a formulation implementation. Many have used Julia/JuMP as I have incentivized them to do so. However, I was not able to tell them how to set the random seed using Julia/JuMP/GLPK. GLPK has a command-line argument (--seed) for this, but the documentation does not make clear if there is a parameter that you can pass to JuMP that will translate in the equivalent of that flag.

I do not know if there its a way to do this with GLPK.

Does --seed actually do anything? The documentation implies that this only applies to models in the GNU MathProg modeling format.

Tell them to use HiGHS instead:


Thank you very much @odow. It seems like GLPK is an outdated choice right now.

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