using FileIO, ImageIO, Colors, FixedPointNumbers, Images
folder = "video"
A = Array{Array{RGB{Normed{UInt8,8}},2},1}()
files = readdir(folder)
pngfiles = filter(file->(occursin.("png",file)), files )
for j in 0:(length(pngfiles)-1)
global A
local img
img_path = folder*"/"*"img-"*lpad(j,4,"0")*".png"
if j==0
A = img
A = cat(A, img, dims=3)
if j%10 == 0
println("Processing image $img_path of $(length(pngfiles)-1)")
end * "/Tether.gif", A)
println("\nGif file $(folder * "/Tether.gif") created!")
It creates a GIF file from the .png files in the folder video.
But if I replay it, it is replayed with 10 fps, even though it should be replayed with 20 fps.
It would require you use FFMPEG.jl and not FileIO but seems like it would work. I tried to look at the documentation for FileIO.jl to find something like a “fps” kwarg but couldn’t find one though I would imagine something like that would exist…