How to set DateTime format of xlabel using Makie

I want to get xlabel like “HH:MM”, Part of my code as follows. It doesn’t work as I want, but without throwing out an error. Anyone can give some suggestions?

fig = Figure(; size=(1000, 600))
ax1 = Axis(fig[1, 1], ylabel="H[nT]")
ax2 = Axis(fig[2, 1], ylabel="Z[nT]")

dates = DateTime("2025-03-19"):Hour(3):DateTime("2025-03-20")
tick_positions = datetime2unix.(dates)  # Convert dates to Unix time (positions)
tick_labels = Dates.format.(dates, "HH:MM")  

ax3 = Axis(fig[3, 1],
    xticks = (tick_positions, tick_labels),
     yticklabelspace = 36.0 
linkxaxes!(ax1, ax2, ax3)

lines!(ax1, df.time, df.H, color=:red)
hidexdecorations!(ax1, grid=false, label=false) 
lines!(ax2, df.time, df.Z, color=:red)
hidexdecorations!(ax2, grid=false, label=false) 
lines!(ax3, df.time, df.D, color=:red)


The result is like this.

Thanks a lot! Your suggestion works.
Makie cann’t support DateTime Type well. There is another way to avoid this issue, that is, transform DateTime data with datetime2unix function.

fig = Figure(; size=(1000, 600))

ax1 = Axis(fig[1, 1], ylabel="H[nT]")
ax2 = Axis(fig[2, 1], ylabel="Z[nT]")

dates = DateTime("2025-03-19"):Hour(3):DateTime("2025-03-20")
tick_positions = datetime2unix.(dates)  # Convert dates to Unix time (positions)
# tick_labels = Dates.format.(dates)
tick_labels = ["$(Dates.format(t, "HH:MM") )\n $(Dates.format(t, "yyyy/mm/dd") )" for t in dates]

ax3 = Axis(fig[3, 1],
    xticks = (tick_positions, tick_labels),
    yticklabelspace = 36.0 
    # xticklabelrotation=pi / 4)
linkxaxes!(ax1, ax2, ax3)

lines!(ax1, datetime2unix.(df.time), df.H, color=:red)
hidexdecorations!(ax1, grid=false, label=false)  
lines!(ax2, datetime2unix.(df.time), df.Z, color=:red)
hidexdecorations!(ax2, grid=false, label=false) 
lines!(ax3, datetime2unix.(df.time), df.D, color=:red)
