I want to make a function that takes a function and vector of initial conditions as arguments.
function recseq(
init::AbstractVector) where{T<:Function}
return n-> begin
if(n in init)
return init[n+1]
The idea is that a(n) is some recurrence relation like a(n) = a(n-1) + a(n-2) and recseq would return a function that returns either the initial conditions or a combination of those initial conditions base on a(n)
Not sure whether there would be an easier approach, but recursive behavior is not to hard to obtain if you replace the closure by an explicit callable struct (which is what would happen under the hood anyway, but by doing it yourself you gain more control).
Using a recurrence relation of the form specified in the OP seems tricky though. In the code below, I “cheat” by defining the recurrence relation in a (IMO) more explicitly way, in which the function arity corresponds to the recurrence order:
# This struct explicitly defines the state of your function object
# (previously, it was the variables that the closure captures)
struct RecSeq{N,T,U}
a :: U
init :: NTuple{N,T}
# This defines the behavior of `RecSeq` as a callable object
# (previously, it was the closure body)
function (f::RecSeq{N})(n) where {N}
n < N && return f.init[n+1]
u = ntuple(Val(N)) do k # the function object is naturally named
f(n-k) # which makes it easy for it to recursively
end # "call" itself
I totally agree that @ffevotte’s answer is the most reasonable solution… however that shouldn’t stop us from having some fun, should it?
So first of all there here is some obscure knowlege: Julia has a form of self that denotes the current function. The exact incantation is var"#self#".
Secondly, we need the recursive definition (called a in your example) to call back the wrapper function defined in recseq that provides the initial conditions. So we need to pass that into a.
So here is a solution without structs just because it is possible not because you should use it:
julia> julia> a(f, n) = f(n-1)+f(n-2)
julia> function recseq(
init::AbstractVector) where{T<:Function}
return n-> begin
if(n in init)
return init[n+1]
a(var"#self#", n)
julia> recseq(a,[0,1]).(0:10)
11-element Vector{Int64}:
Ok here is some extra fun: Say we don’t like the black magics of var"#self#". Then we can still do it by summoning a demon of functional programming called the Y combinator. Observe that the anonymous function inside recseq needs access to itself… So what if we just passed it itself as an argument? Behold:
function recseq(a::T, init::AbstractVector) where{T<:Function}
recfun = (self, n)-> begin
if(n in init)
return init[n+1]
a(n->self(self,n), n)
return n->recfun(recfun, n) # essentially Y Combinator applied to recfun
Thank you both for these excellent solutions!
I never would have thought of @ffevotte’s solution and it took me a while to figure it out.
But @abraemer’s solution still feels more natural to me, since I’ve mostly done functional programing in javascript.
What’s so evil about the Y combinator or the self keyword for that matter?
I would like to point out that @abraemer 's solution may have problems for seeds other than [0,1].
I believe the problem could be overcome by replacing the expression n in init with n<length(init)
function recseq(I=[0,1])
a(n, I=I) = n <length(I) ? a(Val(n)) : (a(n-1) + a(n-2))
a(::Val{n},I=I) where n = I[n+1]
Nothing evil if you are used to functional programming I guess. But probably a bit mind-boggling to the average (imperative) programmer and arguably a bit harder to understand. Also it is likely a bit slower then the alternative with the struct since Julia is not made for functional code (e.g. no tail-recursion).
@rocco_sprmnt21 is also correct that the logic for the initial values is wrong. I just copied it from the OP.
Why would it be slower?
If I’m under standing @ffevotte’s code correctly, it calculates f(n)length(init) times just like yours does and it does so with the same number of calls, I think. What would make it slower?
using BenchmarkTools
struct RecSeq{N,T,U}
a :: U
init :: NTuple{N,T}
# This defines the behavior of `RecSeq` as a callable object
# (previously, it was the closure body)
function (f::RecSeq{N})(n) where {N}
n < N && return f.init[n+1]
u = ntuple(Val(N)) do k # the function object is naturally named
f(n-k) # which makes it easy for it to recursively
end # "call" itself
fib_struct = RecSeq((uₙ₋₁, uₙ₋₂) -> uₙ₋₁ + uₙ₋₂, (0,1))
function recseq_self(a::T, init) where{T<:Function}
let N=length(init), init=init
return n-> begin
n < N && return init[n+1]
return a(var"#self#", n)
fib_self = recseq_self((f,n) -> f(n-1)+f(n-2), (0,1))
function recseq_functional(a::T, init) where{T<:Function}
let N=length(init), init=init
recfun = (self, n)-> begin
n < N && return init[n+1]
a(n->self(self,n), n)
return n->recfun(recfun, n) # essentially Y Combinator applied to recfun
fib_functional = recseq_self((f,n) -> f(n-1)+f(n-2), (0,1))
@show fib_functional.(0:10) == fib_struct.(0:10)
@show fib_functional.(0:10) == fib_self.(0:10)
const testN = 20
@btime $(fib_struct)($testN)
@btime $(fib_self)($testN)
@btime $(fib_functional)($testN)
So actually the struct-based approach appears to be slowest, which I did not expect.
Also I would have thought that the “Y-Combinator” variant is slower than the “self”-based solution but this is only a very minor distance. This tells us that function calls are not a major contributor to the total runtime, I think.
I want to add that this is a very simple case where Julia was able to properly infer all types. Once that fails programs get much slower. As a rule of thumb, recursive programs are harder to infer than non-recursive ones. So for complex code, a more direct style might lead to faster code due to imperfect inference. (recent thread on inference problems in a recursive context: Failure to optimize due to type recursion)