How to reset theming cycler in Makie axis?

Hi there!

I am plotting two sets of lines in the same axis. I would like each line on a set to have the same style (line color, style, width, etc…) to the corresponding line in the other set. Currently, the style cycles continuously, so each line is unique.
How can I do something like:

plot one set
reset cycle
plot other set

Currently I have:

x = 1:10

m1 = 5.0
m2 = -5.0
fig = Figure()
firstaxis = Axis(fig[1,1])

#First set
for i in 1:8
   lines!(firstaxis,x, (m1 + 3*rand()) .* x) 

#Second set
for i in 1:8
   lines!(firstaxis,x, (m2 + 3*rand()) .* x) 


Which gives the result:

Answered by @jules in the slack:

I think it should be possible to do
ax.cycler.counters[Lines] = 0
or something like that, at least that dict holds the state.

With this, the code becomes:

x = 1:10

m1 = 5.0
m2 = -5.0
fig = Figure()
firstaxis = Axis(fig[1,1])

#First set
for i in 1:8
   lines!(firstaxis,x, (m1 + 3*rand()) .* x) 
#Reset cycler
firstaxis.cycler.counters[Lines] = 0
#Second set
for i in 1:8
   lines!(firstaxis,x, (m2 + 3*rand()) .* x) 

