How to render figures in Pluto markdown?

@ederag your suggestion of adding a comma to make the parameters a tuple was very good. It seems that the only part of the command that was not working is the link. It’s curious because the link does open in my browser and is the same link that I used in the html"“” < embed code > “”"

Interesting. Again, spending too much time on this… but when I went to inspect this broken image link using the browser tools, I may have found something.

Does this mean that Pluto has ping Google Drive more than 90k times for this image?

I doubt Pluto is the culprit here.

There are many possible things at play that might cause that, some things to consider:

  • Accessing the link through the browser is not necessarily the same as trying to access it via some API programmatically. You might have different restrictions and potentially different save authentication credentials via browser through cookies
  • If the Pluto Server is on a remote server while you try to access google drive on your local machine, it might be that the IP of the server has sent too many requests to that specific project/domain as it’s used by multiple people

There could be many other reasons while this happen and it’s quite difficult to debug this problem without knowing the surrounding conditions.

That being said I am pretty confident that Pluto is not doing 90k requests

Thank you @disberd, and I agree with you.

What was interesting about this “rate error” in the browser, was that it occured when I was loading from Google Drive using Resource()… but the exact same image would still load perfectly well using the html"“” “”" markdown style. :thinking:

I don’t know why, but it looks like Google handled the requests differently. I can try putting the image on a different cloud storage and seeing if it would be any different. I just have too much going on right now, so it won’t be right away.

Thanks again for your assistance @disberd!!