I try to use Julia to start and existing R software. But I have problems because I dont know how to remove extra quotes added by variable interpolation.
Thanks !
See example here (it is a toy example, I have a much more complex command line in reality, with many arguments)
julia> files = "f1.txt"
julia> cmd = `R --vanilla --args $files`
`R --vanilla --args f1.txt` # this is good !
julia> files = join(["f1.txt", "f2.txt"], " ")
"f1.txt f2.txt"
julia> cmd = `R --vanilla --args $files`
`R --vanilla --args 'f1.txt f2.txt'` # this command fail because of the quotes around 'f1.txt f2.txt'
# how can I obtain `R --vanilla --args f1.txt f2.txt` ?