What’s the best plotting environment to produce a figure like this? (My start would be Plots.jl with many overlays… but I suspect this will become very cumbersome.)
Such a chart type can be drawn as a graph. The dots are nodes and conections are graph edges. You can use LightGraphs.jl:
G= SimpleDiDraph(N) # N is the total number of nodes
Then set up the vector of edges, E, as a Vector{Tuple{Int64, Int64}}
and add each edge to the graph G:
for e in E
add_edge!(G, e[1], e[2])
In the case of the posted plot there are three groups of nodes, each group with the same x-coordinate for node position and y of the form y = a:step:b.
Then define the entire graph node position as a Vector{GeometryBasics.Point2{Float64}}
and plot the graph using one the packages listed here: https://juliagraphs.org/LightGraphs.jl/latest/plotting/.
The problem is that there isn’t a global average ranking considering all the subjects, but still the countries are ranked on the column with the name. But that is a specific ranking, only for the entry “Reading”. They should have instead made an average ranking, indicated the coutries based on that averaged ranking, and then added the individual categories. Like this the “Reading” voice has a disproportional visual importance.
If you code the data as a graph maybe GraphMakie.jl might be interesting. I think it has curved edges which might look nice and has all the customizability of Makie behind it.