Hi all
not started with Julia YET but will do so next week. I would like to know if there is a mechanism for implementing SLOPEGRAPHS ( sometimes called bump charts) in Julia?
This is an article on the form of the charts
thank you
Hi all
not started with Julia YET but will do so next week. I would like to know if there is a mechanism for implementing SLOPEGRAPHS ( sometimes called bump charts) in Julia?
This is an article on the form of the charts
thank you
Could you maybe provide a link to some examples of this?
sorry I updated the question to include an article on the form and utility of the charts.
That should be pretty easy to do using eg Plots.jl.
That’s great to hear, normally the simple case of two columns is easy BUT to get the multicolumn ( which is the interesting case I think) is a little trickier. Take a look at the chart for Cancer Survival Rates. Part of the issue is how to proportion the plot. What happens to the fonts? I’m hoping that someone has taken a look at it.
You can tweak the appearance further, but this is a reasonable starting point:
using PGFPlotsX
function slope_chart(opts, x, ydata; offset = 0.1)
axis = Axis(merge(@pgf({ # labels left
ytick = first.(last.(ydata)),
yticklabels = first.(ydata),
# labels right
extra_y_ticks = last.(last.(ydata)),
extra_y_tick_labels = first.(ydata),
extra_y_tick_style = { ticklabel_pos = "right" },
# general
axis_line_style = { draw = "none" },
tick_style = { draw = "none" },
xtick = x,
xmin = minimum(x) - offset,
xmax = maximum(x) + offset}),
for d in ydata
label, seq = d
push!(axis, @pgf Plot({ thin, black, no_marks }, Table(x, seq)))
for (x, s) in zip(x, seq)
push!(axis, "\\node [fill = white] at (axis cs:$x,$s) { $s };")
ydata = ["open plan" => [0.3, 0.9, 0.99],
"cubicle" => [0.2, 0.5, 0.6],
"private office" => [0.1, 0.1, 0.05]]
@pgf slope_chart({ xlabel = "time [h]",
ylabel = "probability of brain death" },
0:2, ydata)
WOW!! now that was impressive. I haven’t written a line of Julia and ALREADY I have a wonderful reference code to work on. Thank you so much Tamas.
I am happy to help. Thanks for the opportunity, I remember seeing these graphs before and it was fun to do (I like Tufte’s work very much).