I came across Java: Formatting byte size to human readable format | Programming.Guide this morning, and having a few minutes, adapted the Java code to Julia:
Being relatively new to Julia, this code is a little clumsy, but I’m sure someone can improve it. If anyone wants to adapt it to support Zetta and Yotta byte values, please do.
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Here is a shorter version that is converted from a javascript stackoverflow answer
function format_bytes(bytes, decimals = 2)
bytes == 0 && return "0 Bytes"
k = 1024
dm = decimals < 0 ? 0 : decimals
sizes = ["Bytes", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB"]
i = convert(Int, floor(log(bytes) / log(k)))
return string(round((bytes / ^(k, i)), digits=dm)) * " " * sizes[i+1];
Tested on Julia 1.3.1.
There is also this (used by @time
etc, not exported):
julia> Base.format_bytes(13422449238)
"12.501 GiB"