I have interpreted that AAAupdate
is a temporary variable used as a workspace and the size of AAAupdate
is determined from the size of AAA
In this case, it is terribly inconvenient to fix the sizes of AAA
and AAAupdate
by hardcoding them in the module.
To avoid this, you can prepare functions to set the initial values of AAA
and AAAupdate
in the module, and use them outside the module.
The basic pattern is as follows:
module Foo
struct Board{...} ...including state and tmp... end
function initialboard(...) ...; Board(...) end
function update!(board::Board, niters) ...update state with tmp... end
# Construct initial board as a global variable
board = Foo.initialboard(...)
# Update the board by the `Foo.update!` method
Foo.update!(board, 1000)
Working example: Game of Life
Jupyter notebook: https://github.com/genkuroki/public/blob/main/0014/Game%20of%20Life.ipynb
The size of the internal temporary workspace tmp
is automatically determined by the size of the given state
of board
module LifeGame (53 lines)
module LifeGame
using Plots
using ProgressMeter
struct Board{T}
Board(state) = Board(state, similar(state))
function fivexfive(n=200)
state = zeros(Int8, n, n)
m = n Γ· 2
state[m-2:m+2, m-2:m+2] .= [1 1 1 0 1; 1 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 1 1; 0 1 1 0 1; 1 0 1 0 1]
randboard(n=200) = Board(rand(Int8[0, 1], n, n))
P(i, m) = ifelse(i == m, 1, i+1)
Q(i, m) = ifelse(i == 1, m, i-1)
function _update!(v, u)
m, n = size(u)
@inbounds for j in 1:n, i in 1:m
iβ, iβ, jβ, jβ = P(i, m), Q(i, m), P(j, n), Q(j, n)
N = u[iβ,jβ] + u[i,jβ] + u[iβ,jβ] + u[iβ,j] + u[iβ,j] + u[iβ,jβ] + u[i,jβ] + u[iβ,jβ]
v[i,j] = N == 3 ? 1 : (N == 2 && !iszero(u[i,j])) ? 1 : 0
function update!(board::Board, niters=1)
state, tmp = board.state, board.tmp
for _ in 1:nitersΓ·2
_update!(tmp, state)
_update!(state, tmp)
if isodd(niters)
_update!(tmp, state)
state .= tmp
function gif!(board::Board, niters, nskips=1; gifname="life.gif", fps=20, size=(240, 240))
prog = Progress(niters, 0)
anim = @animate for t in 1:niters
heatmap(board.state; size, colorbar=false, ticks=false, axis=false, frame=false)
update!(board, nskips)
gif(anim, gifname; fps)
boardrandom = LifeGame.randboard()
LifeGame.gif!(boardrandom, 500; gifname="liferandom.gif")
Progress: 100%|βββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ| Time: 0:00:26

board5x5 = LifeGame.fivexfive()
LifeGame.gif!(board5x5, 2000; gifname="life5x5.gif", fps=60)
Progress: 100%|βββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ| Time: 0:01:05