Hi all,
I wonder is Julia plotting can’t plot the tickers for y-axis for number with lots of decimals 0.0001
It is only plotting 0.2 0.4 …
For the simple differential equation:
\frac{dq}{dt} = 300 ( 0.01 - 10^{-6})q
this is my code:
using LinearAlgebra, Plots
xs = 0:5:50
ys = -5*10^(-4):5*10^(-5):2*10^(-4)
# dx/dy = f(y,x)
df(x, y) = normalize([3-(3*10^(-4)y), 3-(3*10^(-4)y)])
xxs = [x for x in xs for y in ys]
yys = [y for x in xs for y in ys]
Plots.quiver(xxs, yys, quiver=df)
plot!([10^(-4)], seriestype="hline", linestyle=:dash, color=:green, label="y(t)", legend=:outerright)