Given a set of PDFs f1(x), f2(x)
etc., I’d like to plot something like this:
The closest method I found is
from Makie, but it doesn’t work with functions or their values per se.
How can I make such a plot?
Given a set of PDFs f1(x), f2(x)
etc., I’d like to plot something like this:
from Makie, but it doesn’t work with functions or their values per se.
How can I make such a plot?
Based on the code here, perhaps something like this:
using GLMakie
using Distributions
fig = Figure()
ax = Axis3(fig[1,1])
yr = 1975:2015
xs = range(-15,10,length=200)
μs = range(-14,9,length=length(yr))
σs = range(1.0, 5.0, length=length(yr))
for i ∈ eachindex(yr)
zs = pdf.(Normal(μs[i], σs[i]), xs)
band!(ax, Point3f.(tuple.(xs, yr[i], 0.0)), Point3f.(tuple.(xs, yr[i], zs )); color = zs, alpha = 0.75)
xlims!(ax, -15, 10)
ylims!(ax, 1975, 2015)
zlims!(ax, 0.0, 0.4)
Linking related thread for more ideas.
Thanks! Is there an short way to render it with lines? Changing band
to lines
results in an error.
It has some nice examples, thanks! I’ve learnt it’s called the waterfall plot.
This looks like a plot I’ve seen before. Growth at Risk paper? Are you in econ?
Sure, replace the line that has band!
with the line
lines!(ax, xs, fill(yr[i],length(xs)), zs; color = :black, lw = 1.0)
You can use both too, if you like if you put the the above command below the band!
It the first example I found. I simply need to visualize and compare some PDFs.