How do I convert
julia> Pkg.test("BetaML"; test_args = ["all"])
to something like:
(@v1.5) pkg> test BetaML --test_args = ["all"]
(that now returns ERROR: Unable to parse `--test_args` as a package.
How do I convert
julia> Pkg.test("BetaML"; test_args = ["all"])
to something like:
(@v1.5) pkg> test BetaML --test_args = ["all"]
(that now returns ERROR: Unable to parse `--test_args` as a package.
Which options do you want? As you can see here, test has only the --coverage
(@v1.5) pkg> ?test
test [--coverage] pkg[=uuid] ...
Run the tests for package pkg. This is done by running the file test/runtests.jl in the package directory. The
option --coverage can be used to run the tests with coverage enabled. The startup.jl file is disabled during testing
unless julia is started with --startup-file=yes.
it is a custom option so that in my package I have a if "all" in ARGS
condition to run different tests in automatic mode (Trevis) or manual one (see this merged PR).
I just can’t find how to do it using the pkg>
Currently there is no way to do so with the REPL mode.