How to make WGLMakie play nice with the vscode's plot pane

With CairoMakie or GLMakie, we can switch between different plots with left/right arrow, but when the backend is set to WGLMakie, this function seems broken?

Usage example could be that, especially with 3d plots, rotating/panning is easier with WGLMakie since it’s in the same vscode window and not in a separate glfw window as in GLMakie, and CairoMakie does not allow rotating 3d plots interactively

There’s a not much documented function in Bonito.jl that keeps the session open:

You can use that to leave the sessions of the last plotpanes open and switch between them… Let me know if it works!

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Thanks for the tip! Except for some warning it seems to work,

β”Œ Warning: error while processing received msg
β”‚   exception =
β”‚    Plot initialized multiple times?
β”‚    Stacktrace:
β”‚     [1] error(s::String)
β”‚       @ Base ./error.jl:35
β”‚     [2] (::WGLMakie.var"#4#5"{WGLMakie.Screen, Scene})(initialized::Bool)
β”‚       @ WGLMakie ~/.julia/packages/WGLMakie/AhDKR/src/display.jl:96
β”‚     [3] #invokelatest#2
β”‚       @ ./essentials.jl:1055 [inlined]
β”‚     [4] invokelatest
β”‚       @ ./essentials.jl:1052 [inlined]
β”‚     [5] update_nocycle!(obs::Observable{Any}, value::Any)
β”‚       @ Bonito ~/.julia/packages/Bonito/vh4Oz/src/rendering/observables.jl:42
β”‚     [6] #invokelatest#2
β”‚       @ ./essentials.jl:1055 [inlined]
β”‚     [7] invokelatest
β”‚       @ ./essentials.jl:1052 [inlined]
β”‚     [8] process_message(session::Bonito.Session{Bonito.WebSocketConnection}, bytes::Vector{UInt8})
β”‚       @ Bonito ~/.julia/packages/Bonito/vh4Oz/src/serialization/protocol.jl:36
β”‚     [9] (::Bonito.var"#1#2"{Bonito.Session{Bonito.WebSocketConnection}, Channel{Vector{UInt8}}})()
β”‚       @ Bonito ~/.julia/packages/Bonito/vh4Oz/src/types.jl:251
β”” @ Bonito ~/.julia/packages/Bonito/vh4Oz/src/types.jl:253

seems to come from