How to make this distribution symmetric?

Let’s say I have the following data file:

Using this file, I can plot a Maxwell-Boltzmann functon and see how it changes as a function of s with this code:

# using necessary packages
using LaTeXStrings, Markdown, DataFrames, Queryverse, Plots, Printf
df = load("data.csv", spacedelim=true, header_exists=true) |> DataFrame

m_e = 9.11E-28 # electron mass [g]
k = 1.38E-16 # boltzmann constant [erg*K^-1]

function Maxwellian(v_Max, T_Max)
    ```Maxwellian distribution function for particles moving in only one direction```
    normal = (m_e/(2*pi*k*T_Max))^1.5
    exp_term = exp(-((m_e).*v_Max.*v_Max)/(3*k*T_Max))
    return normal*exp_term

nu = 1 # collisional frequency [s^-1]
v_pos = range(0, 1e10, step=1e8) # positive velocity [cm/s]

f_s_pos = [Maxwellian.(v_pos, df.T[1])] # because boundary density is high at left footpoint, assume f_N = f_M

for is in 1:length(df.s) # for positive velocities, integrate from 0 to s_max
    local_F_s_pos = Maxwellian.(v_pos, df.T[is])
    push!(f_s_pos, f_s_pos[is] - (nu./v_pos).*(f_s_pos[is] - local_F_s_pos)*(df.ds[is]))

anim = @animate for i in 1:length(df.s)
           plot(v_pos, f_s_pos[i]; label=@sprintf("f_s at s = %.3e cm", df.s[i]))
           xlabel!("velocity (cm/s)")
           ylabel!("probability density (s/cm)")
           title!("Space-Dependent Maxwellian")
           ylims!(-1e-28, 2e-27)

gif(anim, "Simple_BGK_Spatial_Discretization_Pos.gif"; fps=20)


Now, I want to try to create this animation again, but instead, we have negative values for velocity (v_neg instead of v_pos) and we have to step through s values from the max value of s to the min value of s. Here is my attempt:

nu = 1 # collisional frequency [s^-1]
v_neg = range(0, -1e10, step=-1e8) # negative velocity [cm/s]

f_s_neg = [Maxwellian.(v_neg, df.T[end])] # because boundary density is high at right footpoint, assume f_N = f_M

for is in reverse(eachindex(df.s)) # for negative velocities, integrate from s_max to 0 
    local_F_s_neg = Maxwellian.(v_neg, df.T[is])
    push!(f_s_neg, f_s_neg[length(df.s)+1-is] - (nu./v_neg).*(f_s_neg[length(df.s)+1-is] - local_F_s_neg)*(df.ds[is]))

anim = @animate for i in 1:length(df.s)
           plot(v_neg, f_s_neg[i]; label=@sprintf("f_s_neg at s = %.3e cm", df.s[i]))
           xlabel!("velocity (cm/s)")
           ylabel!("probability density (s/cm)")
           title!("Space-Dependent Maxwellian")
           ylims!(-1e-30, 2e-27)

gif(anim, "Simple_BGK_Spatial_Discretization_Neg.gif"; fps=20)


I was expecting the function to look symmetric to the previous plot along the y axis but this is not the case. This might be a problem specific in my field (physics), but before investigating further, from a Julia programming perspective, are there any glaring issues with the way I set up the code for the negative velocity case that may be the problem?

Since you are going backwards, you probably need to change the - sign to +:

... + (nu./v_neg).*(f_s_neg[length(df.s)+1-is] - local_F_s_neg)*(df.ds[is]))
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@rafael.guerra This worked! Thank you so much!

Do you know how I could rewrite my code to combine the positive anfd negative velocity curves onto one graph/animation?

The easiest might be to concatenate the vectors to plot, say:

plot([v_neg; v_pos], [f_s_neg[i]; f_s_pos[i]]; ...)
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Hello again. So now, I am trying to recreate the plot but now using an implicit numerical method rather than an explicit numerical method.

# Spatial discretization 

v_pos = range(0, 1e10, step=1e8) # positive velocity [cm/s]
v_neg = range(0, -1e10, step=-1e8) # negative velocity [cm/s]

nu = 1 # constant collisional frequency [s^-1]

f_s_pos_imp = [Maxwellian.(v_pos, df.T[1])] # because boundary density is high at left footpoint, assume f_N = f_M
f_s_neg_imp = [Maxwellian.(v_neg, df.T[end])] # because boundary density is high at right footpoint, assume f_N = f_M

for is in 1:length(df.s) # for positive velocities, integrate from 0 to s_max
    local_f_s_pos = Maxwellian.(v_pos, df.T[is])
    #push!(f_s_pos_exp, f_s_pos_exp[is] - (nu ./v_pos).*(f_s_pos_exp[is] - local_f_s_pos_exp)*(df.ds[is]))   
    push!(f_s_pos_imp, (f_s_pos_imp[is] .+ (nu./v_pos).*local_f_s_pos.*df.ds[is])/(1 .+ (nu./v_pos).*(df.ds[is])))

for is in reverse(eachindex(df.s)) # for negative velocities, integrate from s_max to 0 
    local_f_s_neg = Maxwellian.(v_neg, df.T[is])
    #push!(f_s_neg_exp, f_s_neg_exp[length(df.s)+1-is] + (nu ./v_neg).*(f_s_neg_exp[length(df.s)+1-is] - local_f_s_neg_exp)
     #   *(df.ds[is]))
    push!(f_s_neg_imp, (f_s_neg_imp[is] .+ (nu./v_neg).*local_f_s_neg.*df.ds[is])/(1 .+ (nu./v_neg).*(df.ds[is])))

anim = @animate for i in 1:length(df.s)
           plot([v_neg; v_pos], [f_s_neg_imp[i]; f_s_pos_imp[i]]; label=@sprintf("f_s at s = %.3e cm", df.s[i]))
           xlabel!("velocity (cm/s)")
           ylabel!("probability density (s/cm)")
           title!("Space-Dependent Maxwellian")
           ylims!(-1e-28, 2e-27)

gif(anim, "TEST.gif"; fps=30)

I thought I had ensured that all my lines in the loops were performing vectorized operations by adding ., but I receive this error:

MethodError: no method matching Vector{Float64}(::Matrix{Float64})
Closest candidates are:
  Array{T, N}(::AbstractArray{S, N}) where {T, N, S} at C:\Users\Acer\AppData\Local\Programs\Julia-1.7.0\share\julia\base\array.jl:563
  Vector{T}() where T at C:\Users\Acer\AppData\Local\Programs\Julia-1.7.0\share\julia\base\boot.jl:476
  Vector{T}(::SuiteSparse.CHOLMOD.Dense{T}) where T at C:\Users\Acer\AppData\Local\Programs\Julia-1.7.0\share\julia\stdlib\v1.7\SuiteSparse\src\cholmod.jl:850

What may I be missing here?

This error is telling you that you can’t make a Vector{Float64} by passing the constructor a Matrix{Float64}

since you didn’t get the full error, I’m not sure what line is causing the issue.

You seem to have forgotten one dot for the division.
Instead of sprinkling dots all over the place and whenever possible, just use the @. macro at the beginning of the expression and leave the rest alone.


  • In nu./v_pos there is division by 0
  • As the result is symmetrical, you just need to model the positive velocities, and then mirror the resulting arrays for display
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Ah, thank you very much. The @. macro makes things convenient.