Hello, I am new to Julia and it’s namespace system. I also don’t know the correct terminology for what I am trying to do (so apologies in advance).
I am trying to see how to one could write “polymorphic” types without having to extend the methods to the namespaces that will use those types. I know that “polymorphism” doesn’t make sense in Julia, but in Python, lets say there some code that takes in an object and does something with that object. I don’t know what the object is, but I know I can do something by calling the do_something()
def foo(x):
And I have to do is ensure that x
has a do_something()
In Julia, I can get the same behavior, but only if I extend an existing do_something()
method in ALL modules that calls this “type-defined” (for lack of a better word) method. Example:
module Test # Made by Programmer 1
function do_something end # User-must define this method
function foo(x)
do_something(x) # Use user-defined method
module TestB # Made by Programmer 2
function do_something end # User-must define this method
function foo(x)
do_something(x) # Use user-defined method
module Test2 # Made by Programmer 3
import ..Test
struct MyType
function do_something(x::MyType) # User is defining do_something (how to do this globally?)
# Written by Programmer 4
# do_something implementation must be extended for EACH module expecting an implementation of do_something.
# How can I avoid the need to do per-module extension (next 7 lines) and instead just extend so that all modules can see "do_something(x::MyType)" without manual extension?
# Extending in Base doesn't work since "do_something" is not defined in that namespace.
function Test.do_something(x::Test2.MyType)
function TestB.do_something(x::Test2.MyType)
Test.foo(Test2.MyType("Hello World!\n"))
TestB.foo(Test2.MyType("Hello Universe!\n"))
How can I make the do_something
function available globally, so that I don’t have to extend the function for multiple namespaces that might use it? Is something like that possible in Julia? Is it bad practice? Is there a central/global names space where I can define/extend functions only once, and then those functions are accessible everywhere?