I am sorry and I am posting again, I like to make an interpolated contour plot. I have tried and haven’t work. Inverse distance weighting will be preferred interpolation method.
my data looks like that
> first(df,5)
> 5×3 DataFrames.DataFrame
> │ Row │ lat │ lon │ elevation │
> │ │ Float64 │ Float64 │ Float64 │
> ├─────┼─────────┼─────────┼─────────┤
> │ 1 │ 26.5068 │ 87.4509 │ 76.2 │
> │ 2 │ 26.4262 │ 87.4618 │ 64.9 │
> │ 3 │ 26.3054 │ 87.478 │ 57.3 │
> │ 4 │ 25.9839 │ 87.521 │ 45.3 │
> │ 5 │ 25.7972 │ 87.5454 │ 40.2 │
I did it in python using scipy (interpolation from scipy). I like to do it in pure Julia.