How to make a South-up map using GeoMakie

I would like to produce a coast-lines plot using GeoMakie like this one:

or this one:

I tried with the dest projection, but doesn’t work well:

using CairoMakie, GeoMakie

fig = Figure()
ga = GeoAxis(
    fig[1, 1]; 
    dest = "+proj=eqearth +lon_0=180", 
    coastlines = true,


Thanks for your help.


You’ll have to turn off the ticks, but scale!(ga.scene, 1, -1, 1) will do it.

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Thanks for your help, Anshul,

Your solution works like a charm. For the ticks I found a not so elegant solution, but it works.

using CairoMakie, GeoMakie

fig = Figure()
ga = GeoAxis(
    fig[1, 1]; 
    dest = "+proj=wintri", 
    coastlines = true,

scale!(ga.scene, 1, -1, 1)


fig.current_axis.x.ytickformat = x ->["90ᵒ N", "60ᵒ N", "30ᵒ N", "0ᵒ  ", "30ᵒ S", "60ᵒ S", "90ᵒ S"]


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