Hey everyone,
I feel like I am totally overthinking this but am running into a wall. I was able to make a pairplot using some code from a Makie discussion here. I have been trying to do the same thing using Plots.jl. Instead, I am having some errors translating my logic to Plots.jl. Here is my current attempt:
using DataFrames
using Plots
# Nonsense Data
df = DataFrame([1 2 3; 2 4 6; 3 6 9])
function pairplot(df)
rows, cols = size(df)
scatter([row for row in 1:rows], [col for col in 1:cols],
layout = (rows, cols))
Which produces the following:
It’s the right form but only the first plot is plotted. Going from there, I used the documentation from Plot.jl’s documentation where about layouts where it discussed incrementally generating plots and adding them to a final plot:
using DataFrames
using Plots
df = DataFrame([1 2 3; 2 4 6; 3 6 9])
function pairplot(df)
rows, cols = size(df)
plots = []
for row = 1:rows, col = 1:cols
push!(plots, scatter(row, col))
plot([p for p in plots], layout = (rows, cols))
This throws an error which somewhat surprised me based on the documentation.
ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching Plots.Plot{Plots.GRBackend}(::Char, ::Char, ::Char, ::Char, ::Char, ::Char, ::Char, ::Char, ::Char, ::Char, ::Char, ::Char, ::Char, ::C
har, ::Char, ::Char, ::Char, ::Char, ::Char, ::Char, ::Char, ::Char, ::Char, ::Char, ::Char, ::Char, ::Char, ::Char, ::Char, ::Char, ::Char, ::Char, ::Char, ::Char, ::Char, ::Char, ::Ch
ar, ::Char, ::Char, ::Char, ::Char, ::Char, ::Char, ::Char, ::Char, ::Char, ::Char, ::Char, ::Char, ::Char)
Closest candidates are:
Plots.Plot{Plots.GRBackend}(::Any, ::Any, ::Any, ::Any, ::Any, ::Any, ::Any, ::Any, ::Any, ::Any) where T<:AbstractBackend at /home/cedarprince/.julia/packages/Plots/lmp2A/src/types.j
[1] apply_recipe(::Dict{Symbol,Any}, ::Type{Plots.Plot{Plots.GRBackend}}, ::Plots.Plot{Plots.GRBackend}) at /home/cedarprince/.julia/packages/Plots/lmp2A/src/recipes.jl:50
[2] _apply_type_recipe(::Any, ::AbstractArray, ::Any) at /home/cedarprince/.julia/packages/RecipesPipeline/uPBKQ/src/type_recipe.jl:39
[3] macro expansion at /home/cedarprince/.julia/packages/RecipesPipeline/uPBKQ/src/user_recipe.jl:149 [inlined]
[4] apply_recipe(::AbstractDict{Symbol,Any}, ::Any) at /home/cedarprince/.julia/packages/RecipesBase/92zOw/src/RecipesBase.jl:282
[5] _process_userrecipes!(::Any, ::Any, ::Any) at /home/cedarprince/.julia/packages/RecipesPipeline/uPBKQ/src/user_recipe.jl:36
[6] recipe_pipeline!(::Any, ::Any, ::Any) at /home/cedarprince/.julia/packages/RecipesPipeline/uPBKQ/src/RecipesPipeline.jl:70
[7] _plot!(::Plots.Plot, ::Any, ::Any) at /home/cedarprince/.julia/packages/Plots/lmp2A/src/plot.jl:172
[8] plot(::Any; kw::Any) at /home/cedarprince/.julia/packages/Plots/lmp2A/src/plot.jl:58
[9] pairplot(::DataFrame) at /home/src/Projects/COVID_MOBILITY_ANALYTICS/_research/pair.jl:12
[10] top-level scope at /home/src/Projects/COVID_MOBILITY_ANALYTICS/_research/pair.jl:15
[11] include(::String) at ./client.jl:457
[12] top-level scope at REPL[34]:1
in expression starting at /home/src/Projects/COVID_MOBILITY_ANALYTICS/_research/pair.jl:15
Would anyone be willing to help me out with this? Thank you!
~ tcp