For future reference, in case anyone wants the full working code, here it is. I am on Julia v1.5:
using Makie
using StatsMakie
using DataFrames
using DelimitedFiles
using GLFW
using AbstractPlotting
using MakieLayout
col_names = [:sepalLength, :sepalWidth, :petalLength, :petalWidth, :class]
df = readdlm("iris.csv", ',')|> DataFrame
rename!(df, col_names)
df[!, 1:4] = Float32.(df[!,1:4])
df[!, 5] = String.(df[!, 5])
function pairplot(df)
dim = size(df, 2)-1
scene, layout = layoutscene(30, resolution = (900, 900))
axs = layout[1:dim, 1:dim] = [LAxis(scene) for i in 1:dim^2]
x = 0
for i in 1:dim, j in 1:dim
if i == j
plt = plot!(axs[x],Position.stack, histogram, Data(df), Group(:class), df[:, i])
plt = Makie.scatter!(axs[x], Data(df), Group(:class), df[:,j], df[:,i])
testPlot = pairplot(df)
Also, you can download the data here: - Just make sure to delete the first row of the CSV or it will fail.
Here are the package versions I had:
[537997a7] AbstractPlotting v0.10.11
[a93c6f00] DataFrames v0.20.2
[f7f18e0c] GLFW v3.4.0
[ee78f7c6] Makie v0.10.0
[5a521ce4] MakieLayout v0.9.10
[65254759] StatsMakie v0.2.3
Hopefully this helps future generations of Julians trying to make their own pairplot!
P.S. Thanks to @Dustin_Hess for providing the initial impetus for this!