How to make a line break and blank line in Literate.jl (separately)? For some reason it differs from the methods used in typical Markdown.
Simple question, but it breaks my mind.
When you say “methods used in typical Markdown”, do you mean something like double space ( Literate.jl just leaves the Markdown alone and any parsing and processing is done by the consumer (e.g. Documenter or other things).
Not at a computer to check, but isn’t it just
# # My heading
# some text followed by line break and blank line
# some other text
I meant smtt like:
\\ is a line breaker
Maybe I wasn’t clear: I would like to be able to create line break and blank line separately. In one case only first, in another only the second.
I think this example answers the case with a blank line, so thank you too ^^
is not Markdown but LaTeX I think, in Markdown you should be able to just use HTML, I think, so <br>
should do the job maybe?
It didn’t worked: ERP image · UnfoldMakie.jl
Ah, I at least expected that to work before I would expect \\
to work. Maybe (depending on the workflow, I am not super familiar with Literate.jlone has to specify the
` as raw html.
Unfortunately, doesn’t work: UnfoldMakie Documentation · UnfoldMakie.jl
Oh, I did not check how to actually do that, sorry, but @raw
is just for a string in Julia to be raw. I know how to do that in both Documenter (where it is indeed nearly what you wrote, but only for blocks, which does not help so much) and for Quarto/Pandoc. I could not yet find this for Literate.jl