How to include a Distributed into a package?

I am writing a package where at some point a big loop appears.
What is the proper way to allow using the Distributed.jl package to replace map by pmap?

  1. Should we do like that:
module MyPackage
using Distributed

### code
fit_function() = pmap(long function)
### code
export fit_function

and then

using MyPackage

when we are using personal laptop with no multiprocessor.
On a cluster

using Distributed
@everywhere using MyPackage
  1. is there another preferable architecture like two different packages with/without Distributed pmap/map ?
  2. maybe always do using Distributed but defining two functions fit_function() with pmap and another one pfit_function() with pmap.

What is the best way to go in terms of

  • “code”
  • Julia spirtit,
  • Dependency,
  • Performances (from what I recall pmap was slightly longer than map when used on one proc).

I still wonder how one can allow pmap on some operations conditionally to loading Distributed.jl
Would the new package extension be suitable for that?

To anyone interested and maybe related to some other questions, what works for me is to add

module MyPkg
using Distributed
f(x) = ...
function big(...)
  return pmap(f, iterator)

export big

Then outside the pkg I just need to do

using Distributed
using MyPkg
@everywhere using MyPkg
big(...) # works and is faster!

It is very simple to modify existing code to make it distributed that way.
If I don’t want distributed, I just do not load using Distributed and pmap performs as a regular map.