I made a custom module in a file database.jl called DecisionNode but I cannot seem to find a way to import the DecisionNode module without using the include function, which I do not want to do since I will be using the DecisionNode module in multiple files.
Is there a way to import this custom module without turning that module into a package and then importing that package?
Note that some people in the community (including myself) are considering this an unsatisfactory state of affairs and this has been the topic of many passionate discussions:
@Jack_N: The frustration/dislike of how “include” works stems from people confusing how Julia uses include/import/using vs how other languages use seemingly similar commands.
Short answer
include() does not “import” modules within a file.
It is probably better to say that julia “compiles” (to a certain extent) the code “inside” whatever module calls the include() command.
It is not the same as Python’s “import statement” (likely why people get confused with it).
It is also different from C/C++'s use of #include - which is typically only for header files.
C/C++ combines compiled code from multiple .c/.cpp files together using a linker (not the #include directive).
In Python:
import TopModule.FooModule.BarModule
Parses/“compiles” file TopModule/FooModule/BarModule.py (if not already done)
Makes contents available through symbol BarModule.
In Julia:
You should include() all your files once in some way (ex: in a master file - ex: src/TopModule.jl).
Get a reference to BarModule symbol through [TopModule.]FooModule.BarModule.
See example below
module TopModule
#These modules could be stored in other files & `include()`-ed here, if desired
module FooModule
module BarModule
foo(x) = 3x
end #BarModule
end #FooModule
#Add/"compile" contents of Some_other_file.jl:
include("Some_other_file.jl") #Relative to current file (src/TopModule.jl)
end #TopModule
#include() statement in `TopModule.py` "compiles" contents of this file INSIDE module: `TopModule`!
import FooModule.BarModule #Get access to BarModule symbol
#alternative way to get `BarModule` symbol:
using FooModule.BarModule #Also imports any symbol that might be "export"ed by BarModule .
FooModule.f(3) #Call some function in FooModule
The include solution is not something that needs fixing. @MA_Laforge says it very well above. The misunderstanding of the organization of the code is what causes the “problem”. Essentially, include gives the compiler a chance to “see” the code to be compiled. The user then refers to this compiled code through a module (possibly the Main module when working in the repl).
Unlike in Python, a Julia file is not a module (the perks: (1) 1 module can include multiple files, (2) 1 file can define multiple modules). If you don’t make a module exist by includeing the file containing its module ... end code or by generateing a package, how would you import it?