How to get help with plot parameters

using Plots
x = [2]
scalars = [-2 1 2]
vals = [0 0 0; x *	scalars]
labels= [(-3.6, -4.2, 	"-2x"), (2.4, 1.8, "x"), (4.4, 3.8, 	"2x")]

plot(vals, vals, arrow= true, color= [:red :red :blue], legend = :none, xlims = (-5,5), ylims = (-5, 5), annotations  = labels, xticks  = -5:1:5, yticks  = -5:1:5, framestyle = :origin)

How to get help with plot parameters like arrow,framestyle etc. The ?framestyle returns no help

Check the documentation on plot attributes or call one of


How to come out of plotattr(). Ctrl-C is making the whole julia commandline close. How can I copy all the plotattr() output to clipboard?