How do I find the second and third derivative using ForwardDiff
I can find the first derivative 14.0 at x = 1.0 using the following
using ForwardDiff
f(x) = 7*x^2
result = ForwardDiff.derivative(f,1.0)
println( "first derivative is ",result )
How do I find the second and third derivative using ForwardDiff
I can find the first derivative 14.0 at x = 1.0 using the following
using ForwardDiff
f(x) = 7*x^2
result = ForwardDiff.derivative(f,1.0)
println( "first derivative is ",result )
ForwardDiff.derivative(x -> ForwardDiff.derivative(f, x), 1.0)
It works thank you.
using ForwardDiff
f(x) = 7*x^3
result = ForwardDiff.derivative(f,1.0)
println( "first derivative is ",result )
result2 = ForwardDiff.derivative(x -> ForwardDiff.derivative(f, x), 1.0)
println( "second derivative is ",result2 )
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first derivative is 21.0
second derivative is 42.0