How to explain recursive generation of method instances for non-concrete types

I’m trying to understand under what circumstances Julia would trigger a compilation for “bad” Julia codes, so I use MethodAnalysis.jl to help the diagnosis. My first assumption is that each creation of a method instance in Julia indicates a native code object is generated.

Let’s start with a simple case:

julia> using MethodAnalysis

julia> function count_number(A::AbstractArray)
                  rst = 0
                  for x in A
                      rst += count_number(x)
                  return rst
count_number (generic function with 1 method)

julia> count_number(x::Number) = 1
count_number (generic function with 2 method)

julia> count_number(x) = 0
count_number (generic function with 3 methods)

julia> count_number([1, 2, 3])

julia> methodinstances(count_number)
2-element Vector{Core.MethodInstance}:
 MethodInstance for count_number(::Vector{Int64})
 MethodInstance for count_number(::Int64)

If we restart Julia and instead execute count_number([1, 2, "julia", 3.0]). Without checking methodinstances result, I’m expecting it to return 4 method instances:

  • count_number(::Vector{Any})
  • count_number(::Int)
  • count_number(::Float64)
  • count_number(::String)

But instead, it returns:

julia> methodinstances(count_number)
7-element Vector{Core.MethodInstance}:
 MethodInstance for count_number(::Vector{Any})
 MethodInstance for count_number(::AbstractArray)
 MethodInstance for count_number(::Number)
 MethodInstance for count_number(::Int64)
 MethodInstance for count_number(::Float64)
 MethodInstance for count_number(::Any)
 MethodInstance for count_number(::String)

This is a bit surprising to me. Why would Julia ever try to generate count_number(::AbstractArray) when count_number(::Vector{Any}) is sufficient?

My first guess is that count_number’s recursively calling itself complicates this, so I made a simpler version of it:

julia> function count_number(A::AbstractArray)
                  rst = 0
                  for x in A
                      rst += _count_number(x)
                  return rst
count_number (generic function with 1 method)

julia> _count_number(x::Number) = 1
_count_number (generic function with 1 method)

julia> _count_number(x) = 0
_count_number (generic function with 2 methods)

julia> count_number([1, 2, "julia", 3.0])

julia> methodinstances(count_number)
1-element Vector{Core.MethodInstance}:
 MethodInstance for count_number(::Vector{Any})

julia> methodinstances(_count_number)
2-element Vector{Core.MethodInstance}:
 MethodInstance for _count_number(::Number)
 MethodInstance for _count_number(::Any)

This raises more questions:

  • why Julia generates the non-specialized _count_number(::Number) and _count_number(::Any) instead of the specialized _count_number(::Int64), _count_number(::Float64) and _count_number(::String)?
  • if _count_number(::Number) and _count_number(::Any) is sufficient, why would the recursive version generate count_number(::Int64), count_number(::Float64) and count_number(::String)?

I assume @tim.holy would be interested in these questions?


This assumption is wrong, and the truth is each creation of method instance is (essentially) associated with inference on the method – and I think it answers all the questions.
In Julia, MethodInstance object does not necessarily come with native code cache. MethodInstance object is created by inference (or by interpreter if MethodInstance represents top-level code thunk, but let’s ignore this fact for the sake of simplicity), and we associate it with CodeInstance object that holds the result of the analysis on the method instance. CodeInstance may or may not be associated with the generated native code. For example, if the result of method execution can safely be constant folded, there is no need to generate a native code and thus we simply holds the constant return value in CodeInstance.

Now, the important note is that Julia compiler’s type inference can deal with abstract method calls, i.e. it doesn’t require analyzed method instance to represent concrete method call. For example, when inference tries to infer count_number(::Any), it will look for existing methods that can be dispatched for the signature, and figure out there are only 3 of them (i.e. count_number(::AbstractVector), count_number(::Number), count_number(::Any), so it will try to infer all of them using their declared signatures. This is why you observed abstract method instances in the first example.

This behavior depends on the implementation detail of inference, so if you add one additional method, you will see the different result. For example, inference will give up abstract call inference when there are >3 matching method candidates, so if you add one additional method, we will not get abstract method instances, but only concrete method instances. This is because abstract call inference does not happen, and the call is runtime dispatched, causing concrete call inference to happen:

julia> using MethodAnalysis

julia> function count_number(A::AbstractArray)
                  rst = 0
                  for x in A
                      rst += count_number(x)
                  return rst
count_number (generic function with 1 method)

julia> count_number(x::Number) = 1
count_number (generic function with 2 methods)

julia> count_number(x) = 0
count_number (generic function with 3 methods)

julia> count_number(::String) = 0
count_number (generic function with 4 methods)

julia> count_number([1, 2, "julia", 3.0])

julia> methodinstances(count_number)
4-element Vector{Core.MethodInstance}:
 MethodInstance for count_number(::Vector{Any})
 MethodInstance for count_number(::Int64)
 MethodInstance for count_number(::Float64)
 MethodInstance for count_number(::String)

I missed to answer the second question. Why we saw abstract method instance only in the first example? That’s because, the compiler does not generate runtime dispatch call for the second example, but it does generate it for the first example. You can confirm it with code_typed.

The first example

julia> code_typed(count_number, (Vector{Any},))
1-element Vector{Any}:
1 ── %1  = Base.bitcast(UInt64, 1)::UInt64
│    %2  = Base.sub_int(%1, 0x0000000000000001)::UInt64
│    %3  = Base.arraylen(A)::Int64
│    %4  = Base.sle_int(0, %3)::Bool
│    %5  = Base.bitcast(UInt64, %3)::UInt64
│    %6  = Base.ult_int(%2, %5)::Bool
│    %7  = Base.and_int(%4, %6)::Bool
└───       goto #3 if not %7
2 ── %9  = Base.arrayref(false, A, 1)::Any
│    %10 = Base.add_int(1, 1)::Int64
└───       goto #4
3 ──       goto #4
4 ┄─ %13 = φ (#2 => false, #3 => true)::Bool
│    %14 = φ (#2 => %9)::Any
│    %15 = φ (#2 => %10)::Int64
└───       goto #5
5 ── %17 = Base.not_int(%13)::Bool
└───       goto #11 if not %17
6 ┄─ %19 = φ (#5 => %14, #10 => %36)::Any
│    %20 = φ (#5 => %15, #10 => %37)::Int64
│    %21 = φ (#5 => 0, #10 => %23)::Any
│    %22 = Main.count_number(%19)::Any
│    %23 = (%21 + %22)::Any
│    %24 = Base.bitcast(UInt64, %20)::UInt64
│    %25 = Base.sub_int(%24, 0x0000000000000001)::UInt64
│    %26 = Base.arraylen(A)::Int64
│    %27 = Base.sle_int(0, %26)::Bool
│    %28 = Base.bitcast(UInt64, %26)::UInt64
│    %29 = Base.ult_int(%25, %28)::Bool
│    %30 = Base.and_int(%27, %29)::Bool
└───       goto #8 if not %30
7 ── %32 = Base.arrayref(false, A, %20)::Any
│    %33 = Base.add_int(%20, 1)::Int64
└───       goto #9
8 ──       goto #9
9 ┄─ %36 = φ (#7 => %32)::Any
│    %37 = φ (#7 => %33)::Int64
│    %38 = φ (#7 => false, #8 => true)::Bool
│    %39 = Base.not_int(%38)::Bool
└───       goto #11 if not %39
10 ─       goto #6
11 ┄ %42 = φ (#9 => %23, #5 => 0)::Any
└───       return %42
) => Any

The second example

julia> code_typed(count_number, (Vector{Any},))
1-element Vector{Any}:
1 ── %1  = Base.bitcast(UInt64, 1)::UInt64
│    %2  = Base.sub_int(%1, 0x0000000000000001)::UInt64
│    %3  = Base.arraylen(A)::Int64
│    %4  = Base.sle_int(0, %3)::Bool
│    %5  = Base.bitcast(UInt64, %3)::UInt64
│    %6  = Base.ult_int(%2, %5)::Bool
│    %7  = Base.and_int(%4, %6)::Bool
└───       goto #3 if not %7
2 ── %9  = Base.arrayref(false, A, 1)::Any
│    %10 = Base.add_int(1, 1)::Int64
└───       goto #4
3 ──       goto #4
4 ┄─ %13 = φ (#2 => false, #3 => true)::Bool
│    %14 = φ (#2 => %9)::Any
│    %15 = φ (#2 => %10)::Int64
└───       goto #5
5 ── %17 = Base.not_int(%13)::Bool
└───       goto #16 if not %17
6 ┄─ %19 = φ (#5 => %14, #15 => %43)::Any
│    %20 = φ (#5 => %15, #15 => %44)::Int64
│    %21 = φ (#5 => 0, #15 => %30)::Int64
│    %22 = (isa)(%19, Number)::Bool
└───       goto #8 if not %22
7 ──       goto #11
8 ──       goto #10 if not true
9 ──       goto #11
10 ─       Core.throw(ErrorException("fatal error in type inference (type bound)"))::Union{}
└───       unreachable
11 ┄ %29 = φ (#7 => 1, #9 => 0)::Int64
│    %30 = Base.add_int(%21, %29)::Int64
│    %31 = Base.bitcast(UInt64, %20)::UInt64
│    %32 = Base.sub_int(%31, 0x0000000000000001)::UInt64
│    %33 = Base.arraylen(A)::Int64
│    %34 = Base.sle_int(0, %33)::Bool
│    %35 = Base.bitcast(UInt64, %33)::UInt64
│    %36 = Base.ult_int(%32, %35)::Bool
│    %37 = Base.and_int(%34, %36)::Bool
└───       goto #13 if not %37
12 ─ %39 = Base.arrayref(false, A, %20)::Any
│    %40 = Base.add_int(%20, 1)::Int64
└───       goto #14
13 ─       goto #14
14 ┄ %43 = φ (#12 => %39)::Any
│    %44 = φ (#12 => %40)::Int64
│    %45 = φ (#12 => false, #13 => true)::Bool
│    %46 = Base.not_int(%45)::Bool
└───       goto #16 if not %46
15 ─       goto #6
16 ┄ %49 = φ (#14 => %30, #5 => 0)::Int64
└───       return %49
) => Int64

In the first example, there is %22 = Main.count_number(%19)::Any that indicates the call to count_number will be runtime dispatched nevertheless inference has analyzed all the dispatch candidates. On the other hand, there is no such a statement, meaning that _count_number call has been resolved statically and no runtime dispatch will happen.
So only the first example contains concrete method instances because runtime dispatch happened.

This behavior actually depends on our inlining algorithm. This behavior can be configured by users with the @nospecialize annotation.

julia> using MethodAnalysis

julia> count_number(@nospecialize x::Number) = 1;

julia> count_number(@nospecialize x) = 0;

julia> function count_number(@nospecialize A::AbstractArray)
            rst = 0
            for x in A
                rst += count_number(x)
            return rst

julia> count_number([1, 2, "julia", 3.0])

julia> methodinstances(count_number)
4-element Vector{Core.MethodInstance}:
 MethodInstance for count_number(::Number)
 MethodInstance for count_number(::AbstractArray)
 MethodInstance for count_number(::Vector{Any})
 MethodInstance for count_number(::Any)

Thanks for pointing it out! I also tried adding a few more method candidates for _count_number for the second example, and it now becomes runtime dispatch

julia> using MethodAnalysis

julia> function count_number(A::AbstractArray)
                  rst = 0
                  for x in A
                      rst += _count_number(x)
                  return rst
count_number (generic function with 1 method)

julia> _count_number(x::Number) = 1
_count_number (generic function with 1 method)

julia> _count_number(x) = 0
_count_number (generic function with 2 methods)

julia> _count_number(x::String) = 0
_count_number (generic function with 3 methods)

julia> _count_number(x::Real) = 1
_count_number (generic function with 4 methods)

julia> count_number([1, 2, "julia", 3.0])

julia> methodinstances(count_number)
1-element Vector{Core.MethodInstance}:
 MethodInstance for count_number(::Vector{Any})

julia> methodinstances(_count_number)
3-element Vector{Core.MethodInstance}:
 MethodInstance for _count_number(::Int64)
 MethodInstance for _count_number(::Float64)
 MethodInstance for _count_number(::String)

This is also slightly counter-intuitive: my mental model tells me that if you see a red un-inferrable part in @code_warntype, a runtime dispatch happens… Turns out Julia is too smart for me to predict its behavior :joy: .

I’m not sure if I get it correct here. It seems that we can’t also assume that native code compilation indicates a new method instance creation.

julia> using MethodAnalysis

julia> function count_number(A::AbstractArray)
           rst = 0
           for x in A
               if is_positive(x)
                   rst += 1
           return rst
count_number (generic function with 1 method)

julia> is_positive(x) = x > 0
is_positive (generic function with 1 method)

julia> count_number(Bool[1, 0, 1])

julia> methodinstances(count_number)
1-element Vector{Core.MethodInstance}:
 MethodInstance for count_number(::Vector{Bool})

julia> methodinstances(is_positive)
1-element Vector{Core.MethodInstance}:
 MethodInstance for is_positive(::Bool)

if we add one more method to trigger invalidation (without restarting a new Julia):

julia> is_positive(x::Bool) = x
is_positive (generic function with 2 methods)

julia> count_number(Bool[1, 0, 1])

julia> methodinstances(count_number)
1-element Vector{Core.MethodInstance}:
 MethodInstance for count_number(::Vector{Bool})

julia> methodinstances(is_positive)
2-element Vector{Core.MethodInstance}:
 MethodInstance for is_positive(::Bool)
 MethodInstance for is_positive(::Bool)

julia> map(x->x.def, ans)
[1] is_positive(x::Bool) @ Main REPL[7]:1
[2] is_positive(x) @ Main REPL[2]:1

Here we get two is_positive(::Bool) instances but only one count_number instance. I guess it’s because is_positive(::Bool) doesn’t change the return type, and thus there’s no need to redo the type inference for count_number. Am I correct?

Does count_number recompile here? Intuitively I think it recompiles but I’m not 100% sure of it :joy:. If we can’t track the compilation by tracking method instances, is there a way to directly track and analyze when Julia compiles native code, CodeInstance?