I am sorry another stupid question, I read the IO part of the Julia documents I/O and Network · The Julia Language, but I am still too stupid to do the following simply thing.
For example, the short illustration code below is what I wrote,
LL = [-1129.252,-648.5315,-553.8973,-461.6156,-356.7228,-265.5437,-170.7289,-86.96198,-40.47620,-23.48844,-20.80410]
io = open("myfile.txt", "w")
for i in 1:length(LL)
write(io, "$(i) $(LL[i]) \n")
The output is like,
1 -1129.252
2 -648.5315
3 -553.8973
4 -461.6156
5 -356.7228
6 -265.5437
7 -170.7289
8 -86.96198
9 -40.4762
10 -23.48844
11 -20.8041
You see the line 9 and 10, the values are not very well aligned.
In Fortran, i can do format write things like,
do iter = 1,10
write(11,'(i10,1x,g15.7)') iter, Loglike(iter)
the format (i10,1x,g15.7) can make the values well aligned,
0 -1129.252
1 -648.5315
2 -553.8973
3 -461.6156
4 -356.7228
5 -265.5437
6 -170.7289
7 -86.96198
8 -40.47620
9 -23.48844
10 -20.80410
I know in Julia it can use the same printf grammar like C. However, I tried some printf grammar in the write, but it does not work.
Does anyone knows how to achieve similar effects as the Fortran results?
Thank you very much in advance!