I am 100% sure that Julia have more efficient format IO than Fortran.
But could any one advice how to do format IO, or like, is there some packages to use so that the output could be nicer? Thanks!
For example, in a Fortran code, by using things like t30, t40, I can do,
write (6,'(''MPI number of cores ='',t30,i20)') nproc()
write (6,'(''random number seed ='',t30,i20)') irn
write (6,'(''hbar^2/2m ='',t40,f10.5)') hbar
write (6,'(''time step ='',t40,g15.7)') dt
write (6,'(''npart ='',t40,i10)') npart
write (6,'(''nproton ='',t40,i10)') nprot
write (6,'(''potential number ='',t40,i10)') lpot
write (6,'(''table size ='',t40,i10)') ntab
write (6,'(''bisection order ='',t40,i10)') mmax
write (6,'(''reptation beads number ='',t40,i10)') nrepmax
write (6,'(''start from sites ='',t40,l10)') isite
write (6,'(''equilibration blocks ='',t40,i10)') neq
write (6,'(''averaging blocks ='',t40,i10)') nav
write (6,'(''nsteps/blocks ='',t40,i10)') nstep
write (6,'(''stepdecor ='',t40,i10)') nstepdecor
write (6,'(''nchorizo ='',t40,i10)') nchorizo
write (6,'(''stepmove1 ='',t40,f10.5)') mov1step
write (6,'(''stepmove2 ='',t40,f10.5)') mov2step
write (6,'(''stepshift ='',t40,f10.5)') shftstep
write (6,'(''x0step ='',t40,f10.5)') x0step
write (6,'(''potential range ='',t40,f10.5)') rangev
write (6,'(''one particle density rho range ='',t40,f10.5)') rangerho
write (6,'(''bin # of rho ='',t40,i10)') nrhobin
write (6,'(''correlation check ='',t40,l10)') icorrchk
write (6,'(''EM force ='',t40,l10)') iem
write (6,'(''Spin-Orbit force ='',t40,l10)') spinorbit
write (6,'(''bisection (reptation) upper bar='',t40,f10.5)') rbisect
write (6,'(''move 1 by 1 upper bar='',t40,f10.5)') rmov1
write (6,'(''move all beads upper bar='',t40,f10.5)') rmov2
write (6,'(''shift beads upper bar='',t40,f10.5)') rmov3
write (6,'(''move all + shift beads upper bar='',t40,f10.5)') rmov23
write (6,'(''Path IO ='',t40,l10)') pathio
The output can be aligned like below
Resume Mode = F
MPI # of cores = 5120
random number seed = 88888888
hbar^2/2m = 20.73500
time step = 0.1000000E-03
npart = 4
nproton = 2
lpot = 2
table size = 50000
bisection order = 2
# of reptation beads = 0
start from sites = T
equilibration blocks = 5
averaging blocks = 50000
nsteps/blocks = 2000
stepdecor = 125
nchorizo = 20
stepmove1 = 0.01000
stepmove2 = 0.00020
stepmoveshift = 0.03000
x0step = 0.50000
potential range = 15.00000
one particle density rho range = 5.00000
bin # of rho = 100
correlation check = F
EM force = T
Spin-Orbit force = T
bisection (reptation) upper bar= -1.00000
move 1 by 1 upper bar= 0.70000
move all beads upper bar= 0.80000
shift beads upper bar= 0.90000
move all + shift beads upper bar= 1.00000
In Fortran, I can also define some format in a module,
module formats
use constants
implicit none
character(len=128), public :: fmt_k_label,fmt_sigma,fmt_weight,fmt_muk,fmt_muk_sig,fmt_muV,fmt_muV_sig &
,fmt_k_label_iter,fmt_weight_iter,fmt_muk_iter,fmt_muk_sig_iter &
,fmt_mc_muk_acc_iter,fmt_mc_muV_acc_iter &
,fmt_muV_iter,fmt_muV_sig_iter,fmt_line,fmt_star &
subroutine format_init(kmixin)
integer(kind=i8) :: kmixin,width
width = kmixin*29
write(fmt_k_label, '(a, i0, a)') '(''Mixture Label :'',t20,',kmixin,'(i12,1x))'
write(fmt_weight, '(a, i0, a)') '(''Weight ='',t20,',kmixin,'(f12.5,1x))'
write(fmt_muk, '(a, i0, a)') '(''Mu_k ='',t20,',kmixin,'(f12.5,1x))'
write(fmt_muk_sig, '(a, i0, a)') '(''Sigma Mu_k ='',t20,',kmixin,'(f12.5,1x))'
write(fmt_muV, '(a, i0, a)') '(''Mu_V ='',t20,',kmixin,'(f12.5,1x))'
write(fmt_muV_sig, '(a, i0, a)') '(''Sigma Mu_V ='',t20,',kmixin,'(f12.5,1x))'
write(fmt_sigma, '(a)') '(''Sigma ='',t20, f12.5,'' +-'',f12.5)'
write(fmt_k_label_iter, '(a, i0, a)') '(''Mixture Label :'',t20,',kmixin,'(i14,14x,''|''))'
write(fmt_mc_muk_acc_iter, '(a, i0, a)') '(''Mu_k MC acc rate ='',t20,',kmixin,'(6x,f8.3,''%'',13x,''|''))'
write(fmt_mc_muV_acc_iter, '(a, i0, a)') '(''Mu_V MC acc rate ='',t20,',kmixin,'(6x,f8.3,''%'',13x,''|''))'
write(fmt_weight_iter, '(a, i0, a)') '(''Weight ='',t20,',kmixin,'(2x,f12.5,14x,''|''))'
write(fmt_muk_iter, '(a, i0, a)') '(''Mu_k ='',t20,',kmixin,'( f12.5,'' +-'',f12.5,1x,''|'' ))'
write(fmt_muk_sig_iter, '(a, i0, a)') '(''Sig Mu_k ='',t20,',kmixin,'( f12.5,'' +-'',f12.5,1x,''|''))'
write(fmt_muV_iter, '(a, i0, a)') '(''Mu_V ='',t20,',kmixin,'( f12.5,'' +-'',f12.5,1x,''|'' ))'
write(fmt_muV_sig_iter, '(a, i0, a)') '(''Sig Mu_V ='',t20,',kmixin,'( f12.5,'' +-'',f12.5,1x,''|''))'
write(fmt_line, '(a, i0, a)') '(19(''-''),',width,'(''-'') )'
write(fmt_star, '(a, i0, a)') '(19(''*''),',width,'(''*'') )'
write(fmt_weight_full, '(a, i0, a)') '(''Weight ='',t20,',kmixin,'( f12.5,'' +-'',f12.5,1x,''|'' ))'
end subroutine format_init
Then in the code I can do things like,
write(6,fmt_k_label) (k,k=1,kmix)|
write(6,fmt_weight) (weight(k),k=1,kmix)|
write(6,fmt_muk) (mu(k,1),k=1,kmix)|
write(6,fmt_muk_sig) (sigma(k,1,1),k=1,kmix)|
write(6,fmt_muV) (mu(k,2),k=1,kmix)|
write(6,fmt_muV_sig) (sigma(k,2,2),k=1,kmix)|
Is there some Julia command or package can also output values aligned or formatted?
In one word, make the output look nice.
Thanks in advance!