Is it possible? What should replace QUESTION
in the code below?
f(::Type{QUESTION}) = true
f(Tuple{Int,Int}) # true
f(Tuple{Float64,Vararg{Int}}) # should throw MethodError
Is it possible? What should replace QUESTION
in the code below?
f(::Type{QUESTION}) = true
f(Tuple{Int,Int}) # true
f(Tuple{Float64,Vararg{Int}}) # should throw MethodError
Maybe f(::Type{NTuple{N,T}}) where {N,T} = true
Thanks! This works very nicely as a type alias:
const TypeFixargTuple = Type{NTuple{N,T}} where {N,T}
f(::TypeFixargTuple) = true
f(::Any) = false
f(Tuple{Int,Int}) # true
f(Tuple{Vararg{Int}}) # false
Spoke too soon, the above fails with heterogeneous tuples. But the following works:
f(::Type{<:NTuple{N,Any}}) where N = true
f(Tuple{Int,Int}) # true
f(Tuple{Int,Char}) # true