What are the different ways using a Julia shell to discover what functions can be called on a type?
I am learning Julia as an experienced Python programmer. In python, I would open ipython, instantiate a variable of the type I wanted and hit . and see lots of functions dispatched on the type. I know Julia is multiple dispatch unlike Python, but I hope there is a simple way to see all the functions that I can call on a type.
My specific case is using counters from DataStructures. I read the docs https://juliacollections.github.io/DataStructures.jl/latest/accumulators.html.
In usage I can’t see that you can call nlargest
on a counter result.
If I ?counter or ?cnt I don’t get any mention of nlargest, only functions that are somewhat spelled like the search term
I hope there is a way that aids discoverability?
using DataStructures cnt = counter(split("A B C 1 A 2 A B"))
Accumulator{SubString{String},Int64} with 5 entries: "B" => 2 "A" => 3 "1" => 1 "C" => 1 "2" => 1