How to define default plotting attributes for all my recipes using only `RecipesBase.jl`?

I have several @recipes, which share the same plotattributes, such as framestyle, grid, legend_foreground_color, etc. If Plots.jl is imported, I could just use default, right? But is it possible that I only use RecipesBase.jl without Plots.jl in my project?


using RecipesBase: @recipe

@recipe function f(x, y)
    framestyle --> :box
    legend_foreground_color --> nothing
    grid --> nothing
    x, y
@recipe function f(x)
    framestyle --> :box
    legend_foreground_color --> nothing
    grid --> nothing
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I’d like to know too. It seems like most packages just copy and paste attributes for each of their plot functions (example, not to pick on Measurements.jl)

You can’t really write a macro to inject your own defaults either, because macros expand from outside-in. I guess you could write one that injected a bunch of things that look like

RecipesBase.is_explicit(plotattributes, :labels) || (plotattributes[:labels] = nameof(ts))

but then you’d be relying on the implementation details of the @recipe macro that are likely to change in the future.