@recipe is described in its docstring as
This functionality is primarily geared to turning user types and settings into the data and
attributes that describe a Plots.jl visualization.
The example given to dispatch on type with its defaults is
using RecipesBase
type T end
@recipe function plot{N<:Integer}(t::T, n::N = 1; customcolor = :green)
markershape --> :auto, :require
markercolor --> customcolor, :force
xrotation --> 5
zrotation --> 6, :quiet
using Plots; gr()
plot(T(), 5; customcolor = :black, shape=:c)
which seems it can be replicated without @recipe with:
using Plots
import RecipesBase.plot
struct T end
function plot(t::T,n::Integer=1,args...;customcolor = :green, kw...)
x = rand(10,n)
markercolor = customcolor,
markershape = :auto,
xrotation = 5, zrotation = 6,
plot(T(),5; customcolor = :black, shape = :c)
I wonder what would be the advantage(s) of using @recipe
over import RecipesBase.plot
to dispatch by type.