How to define a Julia Vector with only integers ≥ 0

As input for a function, I need a Vector with values greater than or equal to zero.

I tried l = Array{>:UInt8, 1}

However push!(l, 9) throws an error.
MethodError: no method matching push!(::Type{Vector{>:UInt8}}, ::Int64)

What is the right way to define such an array?

Use case:

function concatenate_integers(l::Array{Int, 1})
    concatenate_numbers([3, 4, 5]) == 345
    @assert all(i -> i ∈ 0:9, l) "Only integers in range 0:9 are valid"
    s = 0 # sum
    for (i, n) in enumerate(reverse(l))
        s += n * 10^(i-1)
    return s

I would like to replace the all(i -> i ∈ 0:9, l) part by enforcing the right input type.

It’s because 1 is an Int and not a UInt

julia> a = UInt[]

julia> push!(a, UInt(1))
1-element Vector{UInt64}:

smallest value = 0
largest value = 255

make sure you are HAPPY with the limitations.

If you really want to do this by relying on the type system, my package TypeDomainNaturalNumbers.jl is the solution. However it’s not clear whether this would fit your, unknown, use case.