julia> a = Vector{UInt32}([0x01, 0x02, 0x03])
3-element Array{UInt32,1}:
julia> a + 1
3-element Array{UInt32,1}:
In 0.6:
julia> a = Vector{UInt32}([0x01, 0x02, 0x03])
3-element Array{UInt32,1}:
julia> a + 1
3-element Array{Int64,1}:
(Is there a reason this change was made? FWIW, I prefer the old behavior. Changing the type out from under me broke a bunch of things, like Base.dSFMT.dsfmt_gv_init_by_array, which expects a Vector{UInt32}.
Julia 0.5 had the behaviour of promotion in vectors being different to outside of vectors.
Below is julia 0.5
julia> 0x03 + 1
julia> [0x03] + 1
1-element Array{UInt8,1}:
julia> 0x03 + -4
julia> [0x03] + -4
ERROR: InexactError()
in .+(::Array{UInt8,1}, ::Int64) at ./arraymath.jl:82
in +(::Array{UInt8,1}, ::Int64) at ./arraymath.jl:94
I would expect that adding a Signed and an Unsigned type would always give a Signed type.
Whether it is inside a Vector or not.
Any code expecting otherwise was already wrong.
Its just that julia 0.5 was wrong in the same way.
I suggest using 0x1 a UInt8 literal
Since 0x... is the literal for a unsigned integer of the smallest type that can hold it.
So it 0x1 will (basically) always promote to the other type when used to increment it.
As compared to 1 which is a signed Int literal, which will either be 32bit or 64 bit depending on system.
Char is not a numeric type.
Does not follow the:
Promote to largest, and most signed type rule.
Or the Promote to a type that is at least as large and as signed as the most signed input
I don’t think this is an intended change: I cannot find anything in NEWS.md mentioning it. If I remember correctly, array eltypes are (were) not promoted due to the size change in the array. The array of the original example doubles in size due to the promotion, which can be an issue with large arrays.
You should file an issue, if there is non already. At least a NEWS.md entry would be needed if this breaking change was indeed intended.