How to debug failing DifferentialEquations.solve when called with Dual numbers

In addition to advise given in the PSA the following strategies helped me debugging.

Inspecting how the derivate function is called by the solver by wrapping it.
Although I was not able to peek into the derivative function generated by MTK, I was able to replace it by a wrapper in ODEProblem.

df = probos.f
df2 = (du,u,p,t) -> begin
    @show t,u, du
probos_d = remake(probos, f = df2)
sol = solve(probos_d, solver);

This allowed me to get to the actual states that are tried by the solver - which I cannot see in the solution that ends earlier when problems occur.

Directly calling the derivative function with Dual numbers at specified state and parameters

dud = PreallocationTools.dualcache(probos.u0)
fo = (p) -> begin
    _du = PreallocationTools.get_tmp(dud, first(p))
    @show _du
    sum(abs2, _du)
dfop = ForwardDiff.gradient(fo, probos.p);

This allowed me to explore the problem in a more agile manner.

Overriding equations of an assembled ODESystem
Rather than changing the source code of the different components and reloading (Revise) and reassembling the system, I was able modify the ODESystem and experiment by replacing specific equations.

function sesam_constI2(;name, s = sesam3(;name=:s))
    @variables t
    D = Differential(t)
    @unpack α_RP, return_RP, revenue_RP, syn_Enz_w = s
    eqs = [
        revenue_RP ~ IfElse.ifelse(α_RP > 1e-16, return_RP / (α_RP * syn_Enz_w), 0.0),
    basesys = s
    sys = ODESystem(eqs, t, [], []; name)
    # extend_overwrite so far only in extend_overwrite.jl in project dir
    sys_ext = extend_overide(sys, basesys) 
s2 = sesam3(name=:s) 
sci2 = sesam_constI2(;s=s2,name=:s); equations(sci2)
@named spci2 = plant_sesam_system(sci2,pl) # couples to drivers and calls simplify
probo2 = ODEProblem(spci2, u0site, tspan, psite)
probos = remake(probo2, u0 = ForwardDiff.value.(u)) # u from steps above