In addition to advise given in the PSA the following strategies helped me debugging.
Inspecting how the derivate function is called by the solver by wrapping it.
Although I was not able to peek into the derivative function generated by MTK, I was able to replace it by a wrapper in ODEProblem.
df = probos.f
df2 = (du,u,p,t) -> begin
@show t,u, du
probos_d = remake(probos, f = df2)
sol = solve(probos_d, solver);
This allowed me to get to the actual states that are tried by the solver - which I cannot see in the solution that ends earlier when problems occur.
Directly calling the derivative function with Dual numbers at specified state and parameters
dud = PreallocationTools.dualcache(probos.u0)
fo = (p) -> begin
_du = PreallocationTools.get_tmp(dud, first(p))
@show _du
sum(abs2, _du)
dfop = ForwardDiff.gradient(fo, probos.p);
This allowed me to explore the problem in a more agile manner.
Overriding equations of an assembled ODESystem
Rather than changing the source code of the different components and reloading (Revise) and reassembling the system, I was able modify the ODESystem and experiment by replacing specific equations.
function sesam_constI2(;name, s = sesam3(;name=:s))
@variables t
D = Differential(t)
@unpack α_RP, return_RP, revenue_RP, syn_Enz_w = s
eqs = [
revenue_RP ~ IfElse.ifelse(α_RP > 1e-16, return_RP / (α_RP * syn_Enz_w), 0.0),
basesys = s
sys = ODESystem(eqs, t, [], []; name)
# extend_overwrite so far only in extend_overwrite.jl in project dir
sys_ext = extend_overide(sys, basesys)
s2 = sesam3(name=:s)
sci2 = sesam_constI2(;s=s2,name=:s); equations(sci2)
@named spci2 = plant_sesam_system(sci2,pl) # couples to drivers and calls simplify
probo2 = ODEProblem(spci2, u0site, tspan, psite)
probos = remake(probo2, u0 = ForwardDiff.value.(u)) # u from steps above