How to create a single shared parameter for multiple gates within a circuit directly using Yao.jl?

I am trying to parameterize a circuit using a single variable θ in the code below but the output is:
Number of parameters in the circuit: 4

Can someone please help me create a single shared parameter for multiple gates within a circuit directly?

using Yao
using YaoPlots

# Define the number of qubits
n = 5

# Define a single parameter for all Rz gates
θ = π/4  # replace this with your desired angle

# Create a chain block to hold our circuit
circuit = chain(n)

# Apply controlled Rz gates with the shared parameter gate
for i in 1:n-1
    push!(circuit, control(i, i+1 => Rz(θ)))

# Check the number of parameters in the circuit
println("Number of parameters in the circuit: ", length(parameters(circuit)))

Hi, this is one limitation of Yao currently, you need to do either the following

  • sum up the gradient yourself (recommend in simple cases)
  • use a general-purpose AD engine e.g Zygote

there is an example in our test for Zygote if you want to do the second approach

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For training with shared parameters, Yao assume the parameter sharing is automatically handled by your AD engine such as Zygote. Here is an example:

If you want a real parameter sharing, I would suggest using symbol engine:

julia> using Yao, SymEngine

julia> @vars θ

julia> # Create a chain block to hold our circuit
       circuit = chain(n)

       # Apply controlled Rz gates with the shared parameter gate
nqubits: 5

julia> for i in 1:n-1
           push!(circuit, control(i, i+1 => Rz(θ)))

julia> circuit
nqubits: 5
├─ control(1)
│  └─ (2,) rot(Z, θ)
├─ control(2)
│  └─ (3,) rot(Z, θ)
├─ control(3)
│  └─ (4,) rot(Z, θ)
└─ control(4)
   └─ (5,) rot(Z, θ)

julia> subs(circuit, θ=>0.4)
nqubits: 5
├─ control(1)
│  └─ (2,) rot(Z, 0.4)
├─ control(2)
│  └─ (3,) rot(Z, 0.4)
├─ control(3)
│  └─ (4,) rot(Z, 0.4)
└─ control(4)
   └─ (5,) rot(Z, 0.4)

Dear @Roger-luo and @1115 thank you for your response :slightly_smiling_face: .