Hi. I want to write a model where I can swap between different number formats (Float32, Float64…), and at the same time achieve type stability. I have been looking at ShallowWaters.jl for hints how to do this best. I would like to store my model variables in a struct, including the type for the number format. Here is a minimal example with different tests for what I want to do:
using Parameters
using BenchmarkTools
"""Struct containing model variables"""
@with_kw mutable struct States{T<:AbstractFloat}
"""Option 1: This function uses flexible number format but is type instable"""
function model_flexible_type_instable(indata)
val1 = indata.state1 * indata.state2 * indata.ftype(1.2)
return val1 * rand(indata.ftype,1)[1]
"""Option 2: This function uses hard-coded number format (not what I want) and is type stable"""
function model_fixed_type_stable(indata)
val1 = indata.state1 * indata.state2 * Float32(1.2)
return val1 * rand(Float32,1)[1]
"""Option 3: This function uses the number format as input (a bit inconvinient maybe) and is type stable"""
function model_type_as_input_type_stable(::Type{T}, indata) where {T<:Real}
val1 = indata.state1 * indata.state2 * T(1.2)
return val1 * rand(T,1)[1]
states = States{Float32}()
@btime model_flexible_type_instable(states)
@code_warntype model_flexible_type_instable(states)
@btime model_fixed_type_stable(states)
@code_warntype model_fixed_type_stable(states)
@btime model_type_as_input_type_stable(states.ftype, states)
@code_warntype model_type_as_input_type_stable(states.ftype, states)
Option 3 is the only one that works well while Option 1 does not and Option 2 has the number format hard-coded. Is there a way to get Option 1 to work? Or is there a better alternative than Option 3? Thanks for any input before I start using this for a real code.