How to choose a plotting package?

Alright, we’re getting somewhere! Let me explain what’s happening with a script. In Julia, the plotting happens because the plot() command returns a plot object. However, there is a difference between running a command in a script, and running a command in the REPL. In the REPL:

a = 2

automatically returns, while

a = 2;

does not (like MATLAB). However, that would make you have to put ; everywhere in a script, and so

a = 2

does now return a in a script. However, this means that plot(...) doesn’t actually return anything to show in a script.

So the next thing we should do is make sure it works for you inside of a script. Once again, I’ll use Plotly since it should always be working (if you have a working web browser). Now put

using Plots; plotly()

inside of a .jl file. Inside of the REPL, do include("filename.jl") (use pwd() to make sure you’re in the right directory, and cd("...") around if you need to). This should display the plot.

Now I am not sure about getting julia filename.jl to work directly from the terminal since Julia will exit when finishing its commands. Maybe that’s why it wasn’t working before? I generally just use Julia interactively (and I suspect many others do too).