How to check the inferred type of a specific variable in a function?


I am having this problem which I can solve best if I could find out the inferred type of certain variables in a function. Basically, I am looking for a generalized Core.Compiler.return_type for arbitrary variables, not just the returned ones. Related thread: Ridiculous idea: types from the future. Unfortunately, in my case it is not a simple map so I cannot use the solution from there. The array buffer would work for me, but is less than ideal. I thought of manipulating the function with a macro (that’s an option) to return the variables I am interested in, then use Core.Compiler.return_type but then I have to worry about multiple return points in the original function, which is not robust I feel due to throws, macros, etc which may be in the function body. Any suggestions? A toy MWE is simple:

function f(x)
    a = x * 2
    y = a / 3 # what is the inferred type of y?
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@code_warntype prints the info in the repl and typeof(y) gives you the type of y at runtime.


What I am after is something like the output of @code_warntype programmatically at compile time.

Perhaps looking at the implementation of code_wantype can hint at what functionality is used there?

Perhaps looking at the implementation of code_wantype can hint at what functionality is used there?

It seems pretty cryptic.

I would either use a function barrier, or typeof as @baggepinnen suggested above. If the type can be inferred, this is costless, if not, then you have a fallback.

Oh well, perhaps moving it to internals will get more views from core devs before I give up on this. I will use the function barrier with the buffer if nothing else works.

What are you trying to do with the information?

I want to make a parameterized struct with a type parameter as the type of y before y is defined. But it is not just y, it can also be a and other variables if I want, some of these may be arrays. The use case is a bit involved so I am not sure more information will be too helpful here. If what I am asking is not possible, I will assume the parameter is Any at first, then narrow it down later.

I believe that an example that demonstrates more context would be very useful. The specific solution you are after may not be the idiomatic one, there may be another way.

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