C:\Users\Lucas.julia\v0.6\Conda\deps\usr\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\figure.py:403: UserWarning: matplotlib is currently using a non-GUI backend, so cannot show the figure
"matplotlib is currently using a non-GUI backend, "
Huh, I’ve only been using Atom so I haven’t checked the GUI in awhile (the plot pane works fine!). But now that I check it… I’m getting that same error. Somewhere along the way the default GUI must’ve stopped building correctly on Windows. Maybe @stevengj already knows? I don’t see an issue for this though.
I just ran the whole lot and none of them are working. But the plot pane through Plots.jl still works… interesting…
I’m using Linux, but I think,as your using atom it could be similar. You can add the package Plot.jl with Pkg.add("Plots"). It is very useful for plotting in atom and has an extensive, very good documentation. I started using it yesterday and it’s working really well. It should have all the functionalities of PyPlot you want. The documentation is found here: Home · Plots
Hope, I could help
In Julia, pyplot uses python’s matplotlib package to draw plots. To display plots tkinter must be installed in python. You are receiving this error message as tkinter is not installed in your python.