How to catch this error?

I am optimizing a complicated function. That function depends on 2 variables t1 and t2. I can derive first order conditions that result in a system of 2 equations. I can also derive conditions for when t1 < t2, t1 > t2, and t1 == t2. Obviously, only one of those conditions will contain the optimum. The following program is MWE, ignoring the case t1 == t2 for simplicity:

using Roots

# if t1 < t2
function foc12!(t; x=10.0)
    t[1] = x
    t2star = find_zero(t2 -> (t2 - 12.0)^3, (t[1], 30.0), Bisection(); rtol=1e-10)
    t[2] = t2star
    return t

# if t2 < t1
function foc21!(t; x=10.0)
    t[2] = x
    t1star = find_zero(t1 -> (t1 - 21.0)^3, (t[2], 30.0), Bisection(); rtol=1e-10)
    t[1] = t1star
    return t

function obj(t; x=10.0)
    0.25*(t[1] - x)^4 + 0.25*(t[2] - x)^4

function fullsol!(t; x=10.0)
    sol12 = foc12!(t, x=x)
    sol21 = foc21!(t, x=x)

    truezero = [Inf, Inf]
    val = -Inf
    for i in [sol12, sol21]
        tryval = obj(i; x=x)
        if tryval > val
            truezero = i
            val = tryval

    t .= truezero
    return t, val

The problem arises with say x = 15.0, when foc12! throws an error:

julia> t = [1.0, 1.0]

julia> fullsol!(t; x=15)
ERROR: ArgumentError: The interval [a,b] is not a bracketing interval.
You need f(a) and f(b) to have different signs (f(a) * f(b) < 0).
Consider a different bracket or try fzero(f, c) with an initial guess c.

That means that the only valid case is when foc21! yields the optimal values. However, I still want to be able to try all cases for other values of x in which both t1 < t2 and t2 < t1 are feasible. How can I do that?

I replaced fullsol! with this one:

function fullsol2!(t; x=10.0)
    sol12 = [NaN, NaN]
    sol21 = [NaN, NaN]

        sol12 = foc12!(t, x=x)
        sol12 = [NaN, NaN]
        sol21 = foc21!(t, x=x)
        sol21 = [NaN, NaN]

    truezero = [Inf, Inf]
    val = -Inf
    for i in [sol12, sol21]
        tryval = obj(i; x=x)
        if tryval > val
            truezero = i
            val = tryval

    t .= truezero
    return t, val

is there a better way?

Let me try to clarify:

You have a parameter x, a function f1(y; x) and another function f2(y; x) (the FOCs).
You know from theory that there is exactly one y* for which either f1(y*; x) == 0 or f2(y*; x) == 0 (but not both) (over the interval y* in [x, 30]).
You are trying to find this unique y*. Did I get that right?

I am assuming f1 and f2 are not monotone (otherwise it would be easy), but they are guaranteed to have a unique root.

One option: If you have a good idea of the shapes of f1 and f2, evaluate them on a grid. If you find a sign change, run find_zero on that interval.
Another option: Use find_zeros instead (though I’m not sure what it does when no zero is found; also probably inefficient).

@hendri54 thanks for taking the time to read this convoluted writeup. Let me try to clarify the problem.

I have a function N() to maximize that depends on t1 and t2, and some parameters x (you can think of these as covariates). I can try to optimize N directly, but there is a theoretical case when the optimal t1 and t2 are exactly equal to each other. I am unsure whether a generic optimization algorithm can guarantee that. Another concern is that optimizing N directly with a generic optimization algorithm would be slow.

So the approach I take is to derive FOC assuming 3 cases for t1 and t2: when t1 < t2 (call this foc function foc12), when t2 < t1 (call this foc function foc21), and when t1 == t2 (I omit this case in the mwe above). I thought I could solve for the zeros of each of those functions and then evaluate those zeros of foc12 and foc21 on N to obtain the “true” global maximizer (that is picking the point when N is larger among the zeros of all focs). Notice that the approach just described presumes that there are zeros for all focs. The problem I encountered is that there are some values of parameters x for which some of the focs do not have zeros. That means that for the given case, say for t1 < t2, there is no such local optimum for N on that interval, which means the zero of foc21 (when t2 < t1) is the global maximizer. So I am looking for a way circumvent the error I get when trying to find the zeros of a foc when no such zeros exist. The function fullsol2! accomplishes that, but it looks very clunky to me. I am looking if there exists another way of accomplishing the same thing.

OK - then let’s go back to my proposals.

If the FOCs are monotone: easy.

If they are not: are you sure there is at most one root for each case?
If not: find_zeros would be needed instead of find_zero.

If yes: I would use a form of grid search to find one interval where the sign changes. How to implement this depends on what you know about the shape of the focs. Then run find_zero on that interval.

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BTW, I should have linked this writeup of the problem from another post: Status of integration, optimization, and nl solvers - #14 by amrods

Well, Bisection (and other bracketing methods) throws the error when you don’t have a bracketing interval. You can check this before the call (avoiding try-catch) with 2 function evaluations (ie. is f(a)*f(b) < 0, which if costly to compute, the values may be reused in the bisection call). You might have a zero still in that interval, even if the interval isn’t bracketing. (Though not if the function is monotone.) You might also try running find_zero(f, x) starting from some initial point (not an interval). That may return values outside the interval you are constraining though. What isn’t available with Roots, but is with IntervalRootFinding, is the ability to confirm if a bracketing interval contains a unique root.

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