How to call functions defined in separate files in julia-1.6?

In julia-1.0 I called a function"readdata()" that I defined in a file called “readdata”, from a start-up code in another file “main”.
In julia-1.6 that does not seem to work anymore. I get “UndefVarError: readdata not defined”
What is the problem and how can I solve it?

For the call readdata() to work, you must have first run either readdata() = something or

function readdata()

. If you have that in a file, running include("thatfilename.jl") would do the trick.

I have put “include(“readdata”)” in my start-up file “main”.
When I try to run “main”, I get SystenError: “No such file or directory"

Did you put include("readdata") exactly? Are you sure it shouldn’t be something like include("/home/jaap/readdata.jl")?

At first I’ve put readdata.jl but that didn’t work. After I changed it to readdata (without.jl) my function readdata() was apparently actually called, but I got “Paused on exception” and a lot of text about CSV.

So I guess that’s the next problem.

Not sure what to do about that.