How to call a function that returns a function efficiently

Dear all,

I trying to move a computationally-intensive project from Fortran to Julia. Currently, the Fortran code takes around 7 minutes to run in my machine, while the Julia version takes around 106.

Here is the bottleneck of the code in Julia. I have a function that returns another function:

function value_U(
    # Unpack some variables to improve readability
	a = f.a_values[ind_a]			# Value of assets
    z = f.z_values[ind_z]           # Value of productivity today
    Iᴮ = f.Iᴮ_values[ind_Iᴮ]        # Value of indicator UI function (is a Boolean)
    V = VFs.V                       # Value function V
    J = VFs.J                       # Value function J

    # Auxiliary vector to store the expected value for each level of assets tomorrow
    aux_exp = zeros(f.gp_a)
    for ind_a′ in 1:f.gp_a
        for ind_z′ in 1:f.gp_z, ind_q′ in 1:f.gp_q, ind_γ′ in 1:f.gp_γ, ind_Iᴮ′ in 1:2
            prob =  f.z_z′[ind_z,ind_z′]*
            aux_exp[ind_a′] = aux_exp[ind_a′] + (prob*
    # Function of assets tomorrow
    return_f =  function(a′::Float64)
                    # Define interpolation for assets tomorrow
                    aux_inter = LinInterp(f.a_values, aux_exp)

                    # Compute consumption
                    c = (1.+e.r)*a + (1.-f.τ)*Iᴮ*benefits(f,e,z) + e.T - a′

                    return utility(f,c,false,true,ind_γ) + (f.β*aux_inter(a′))
    return return_f

I’m actually quite happy with value_N:

@btime value_U(4,5,2,1,myFund,myEq,VFs)
  265.883 μs (2 allocations: 608 bytes)

The issue arises when I use value_N within another function:

function solve_U(f::Fundamentals, e::Equilibrium, VFs::ValueFunctions)
	pf_U = zeros(f.gp_a,f.gp_z,f.gp_γ,2)
	U = zeros(f.gp_a,f.gp_z,f.gp_γ,2)
    for ind_a in 1:f.gp_a, ind_z in 1:f.gp_z, ind_q in 1:f.gp_q, ind_γ in 1:f.gp_γ, ind_Iᴮ in 1:2
        # Unpack some variables to improve readability
        a = f.a_values[ind_a]             # Value of assets today
        z = f.z_values[ind_z]             # Value of productivity today
		q = f.q_values[ind_q]             # Value of match quality
     	Iᴮ = f.Iᴮ_values[ind_Iᴮ]          # Value of indicator UI function (is a Boolean)

		# Compute upper-boud for assets
        aux_max_a = min(f.max_a-tiny, max(f.min_a,(1.+e.r)*a + (1.-f.τ)*benefits(f,e,z)*Iᴮ + e.T))

		# Get function to optimize
		aux_f = value_U(ind_a,ind_z,ind_γ,ind_Iᴮ,f,e,VFs)

        # Solve for level of assets tomorrow that maximizes value function
        pf_U[ind_a,ind_z,ind_γ,ind_Iᴮ], U[ind_a,ind_z,ind_γ,ind_Iᴮ] =
			golden_method(aux_f, f.min_a, aux_max_a)
	return pf_U, U

Here the performance is bad:

@btime solve_U(myFund,myEq,VFs)
  12.138 s (15775944 allocations: 358.76 MiB)

Any ideas on how to improve performance?


Can you post a complete working example? Or provide a link?

I find it difficult to tell, e.g, what myFund or Fundamentals is (in order to replicate and better understand your snippet)

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To dramatically increase the chance that you will get help I would suggest removing as much code as possible (while still exhibiting the problem), and provide a full example so it can be copy pasted in the REPL and have it run.


It looks like you are constructing a new LinInterp every time you evaluate return_f, but that object doesn’t depend on a'. That’s probably taking more time than actually evaluating the utility. Try moving it outside the function.

Other than that, closures can be tricky to optimize. There are some performance traps like the Core.Box bug. You might try making return_f its own type and defining an evaluation method for it. This would look something like

struct Return_F{T <: LinInterp}
f::Fundamentals # make sure this is a concerete and not abstract type
... # everything else the function needs to know

function (return_f::Return_F)(a'::Float64)
aux_inter = return_f.aux_interp
# unpack the rest
# compute and return utility 

Thank you all.

Here is a simplified exampled (that I think faces the same issue):

using QuantEcon
using BenchmarkTools, Compat # Time benckmarking

function valor(ind_α::Int64, α_α′::Array{Float64,2})
    # Long iteration to compute something that depends on α
    aux = zeros(100)

    for ind_aux in 1:100
        for ind_α′ in 1:5000
            aux[ind_aux] = aux[ind_aux] + α_α′[ind_α, ind_α′]

    # Define interpolation
    aux_inter = LinInterp(linspace(0.,254.,100), aux)

    return_f =  function(a′::Float64)
                    # Compute consumption
                    c = ind_α + a′

                    return log(c) + 0.95*aux_inter(a′)
    return return_f

function torna()
	pf = zeros(5000)
    V = zeros(5000)
    α_α′ = rand(5000,5000)
	for ind_z in 1:500
		# Get function to optimize
		aux_f = valor(ind_z,α_α′)

		# Solve
		pf[ind_z], V[ind_z] = golden_method(aux_f, 0., 100.)
	return pf, V

Thank you!

I have the impression that the problem is with return_f. Could you elaborate a bit more on what your proposed solution is, please?

If you run @code_warntype on aux_f, you get

julia> @code_warntype aux_f(1.)

      return (#temp#::Float64 + (0.95 * ((Core.getfield)((Core.getfield)(#self#::##3#4{Int64}, :aux_inter)::Core.Box, :contents)::Any)(a′::Float64)::Any)::Any)::Any

so it isn’t type stable. I think this is related to the Core.Box issue performance of captured variables in closures · Issue #15276 · JuliaLang/julia · GitHub .

One way to fix this is to try this:

struct Return_F{T1} <: Function

function (return_f::Return_F)(ap::Float64)
    aux_inter = return_f.aux_inter
    ind_α = return_f.ind_α
    # Compute consumption
    c = ind_α + ap
    return log(c) + 0.95*aux_inter(ap)

using QuantEcon
using BenchmarkTools, Compat # Time benckmarking

function valor(ind_α::Int64, α_αp::Array{Float64,2})
    # Long iteration to compute something that depends on α
    aux = zeros(100)

    for ind_aux in 1:100
        for ind_αp in 1:5000
            aux[ind_aux] = aux[ind_aux] + α_αp[ind_α, ind_αp]

    # Define interpolation
    aux_inter = LinInterp(linspace(0.,254.,100), aux)

    return_f =  Return_F(aux_inter, ind_α)

function torna()
	pf = zeros(5000)
    V = zeros(5000)
    α_αp = rand(5000,5000)
	for ind_z in 1:500
		# Get function to optimize
		aux_f = valor(ind_z,α_αp)

		# Solve
		pf[ind_z], V[ind_z] = golden_method(aux_f, 0., 100.)
	return pf, V

julia> @time torna()
  3.444898 seconds (2.09 k allocations: 191.313 MiB, 0.12% gc time)
([100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0  …  0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [2393.51, 2364.15, 2392.87, 2367.47, 2403.77, 2355.21, 2371.94, 2414.44, 2375.7, 2389.02  …  0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

but it’s still kind of slow. Can you find a way to skip that huge loop for every call to valor? Also you can’t use primes, ' in a variable name, I am not sure why your code even runs. It must be taking transposes everywhere.

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You can also use the let block trick to solve the type stability issue, which is much easier than what I did above.

using QuantEcon
using BenchmarkTools, Compat # Time benckmarking

function valor(ind_α::Int64, α_ap::Array{Float64,2})
    # Long iteration to compute something that depends on α
    aux = zeros(100)

    for ind_aux in 1:100
        for ind_ap in 1:5000
            aux[ind_aux] = aux[ind_aux] + α_ap[ind_α, ind_ap]

    # Define interpolation
    aux_inter = LinInterp(linspace(0.,254.,100), aux)

    return_f =  let aux_inter = aux_inter, ind_α = ind_α
                    # Compute consumption
                    c = ind_α + ap

                    return log(c) + 0.95*aux_inter(ap)
    return return_f

function torna()
	pf = zeros(5000)
    V = zeros(5000)
    α_ap = rand(5000,5000)
	for ind_z in 1:500
		# Get function to optimize
		aux_f = valor(ind_z,α_ap)

		# Solve
		pf[ind_z], V[ind_z] = golden_method(aux_f, 0., 100.)
	return pf, V

However, it’s pretty slow regardless.

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Thank you.

It seems it might not be a good idea to use Julia for this one. I can’t take the creation of valor out of the big loop, that’s the whole point.

You can actually use the prime sign without transposing anything. In my code, the primes are created by typing\prime and pressing Tab. See here: Question mark in variable names - #5 by yuyichao

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Did you actually time where the performance bottleneck is? Maybe the performance of golden_method is the bottleneck here and not your code? Or maybe the interpolation? A priori there is no reason why it shouldn’t be a good idea to use Julia for these kinds of tasks and I find it a little bit odd to say that Julia is at fault here although it is not clear where the actual problem is.

Yes, I did test the big iteration with only: the golden_method, with only the interpolation, with only the aux_max_a line, and with only the value_U call, and it seems clear to me that the bottleneck is there.

I am not saying Julia is at fault. I just don’t know a better way to write this code in Julia so that it has a comparable performance to how I wrote it in Fortran. This is actually why I came to this discussion board for help. Nothing would make my life easier than being able to use Fortran as little as possible.

The problem is that this code is slow (compared to Fortran). This might be because:

  1. I don’t know how to write a more efficient implementation in Julia, or
  2. Fortran is faster than Julia.

I’m happy if it turns out to be 1, but you also have to be ready to accept it might be 2.

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I ran a quick profile on the code from this post and it showed that almost all of the computation time was spent on the line aux[ind_aux] = aux[ind_aux] + α_ap[ind_α, ind_ap] which is part of your mock set-up code and has nothing to do with the returned function. I can make the entire torna() call about twice as fast by flipping the order of the indices in α_ap (since you’re currently accessing them in a cache-unfriendly order, see: memory order tips).

You also can lift the construction of the interpolation object outside of the loop and just update its values in-place. This avoids allocating memory inside valor() and improves performance a little bit:

function valor!(aux_inter::LinInterp, ind_α::Int64, α_ap::Array{Float64,2})
    # Long iteration to compute something that depends on α
    aux = aux_inter.vals
    for ind_aux in 1:100
        for ind_ap in 1:5000
            aux[ind_aux] = aux[ind_aux] + α_ap[ind_ap, ind_α]

    return_f =  let aux_inter = aux_inter, ind_α = ind_α
        function inner(ap::Float64)
                    # Compute consumption
                    c = ind_α + ap

                    return log(c) + 0.95*aux_inter(ap)
    return return_f

function torna()
	pf = zeros(5000)
    V = zeros(5000)
    α_ap = rand(5000,5000)
    aux_inter = LinInterp(linspace(0.,254.,100), zeros(100))
	for ind_z in 1:500
		# Get function to optimize
		aux_f = valor!(aux_inter, ind_z,α_ap)

		# Solve
		pf[ind_z], V[ind_z] = golden_method(aux_f, 0., 100.)
	return pf, V

but, in any case, given that for your test case code nearly all the time is spent in the valor() setup code and the actual golden_method() calls are extremely quick, how much faster do you need this to be?


Thanks a lot, Robin!

I’ll try to apply your recommendations to my original code.

I have a version of this in Fortran that runs in about 7 minutes while the current implementation in Julia (without your proposed changes) takes around 106. If I manage to get the Julia implementation at around 10 minutes, I’ll switch the whole project to Julia.

Yes, Robin’s improvement is about 4x faster for me, with improving the memory access.

Another thing you can try is using @inbounds on the loop, which skips the bounds check. Since the time consuming part is that loop, and all is really does is access the array, this helps a lot. It is another 2x faster for me.

function valor!(aux_inter::LinInterp, ind_α::Int64, α_ap::Array{Float64,2})
           # Long iteration to compute something that depends on α
           aux = aux_inter.vals
          @inbounds for ind_aux in 1:100
                for ind_ap in 1:5000
                   aux[ind_aux] = aux[ind_aux] + α_ap[ind_ap, ind_α]

           return_f =  let aux_inter = aux_inter, ind_α = ind_α
               function inner(ap::Float64)
                           # Compute consumption
                           c = ind_α + ap

                           return log(c) + 0.95*aux_inter(ap)
           return return_f

Using that, I got:

julia> @time torna()
  0.366057 seconds (1.01 k allocations: 190.843 MiB, 3.77% gc time)
([100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0  …  0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [2358.71, 4784.77, 7174.9, 9551.21, 11935.2, 14332.7, 16707.0, 19109.9, 21467.1, 23825.7  …  0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

which is a big improvement over the 3.4 I got above.

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Thanks a lot!

Implementing your suggestions, the time has been reduced to 34 minutes. Still around 5 times slower than Fortran though.

Here is the whole code (more than 500 lines) in case anybody else has an idea on how to make it faster:

# Load packages
using QuantEcon # For Tauchen AR(1) approximation, linear interpolation
using BenchmarkTools, Compat # Time benckmarking

# Numerical functions
    loggrid(start, stop, n)

Construct a "logarithmic" grid as implemented in Krusell et al.
function loggrid(start::Float64, stop::Float64, n::Int64)
    # Check start is positive
    if start < 0
        throw(ArgumentError("start cannot be negative"))
    if stop < 0
        throw(ArgumentError("stop cannot be negative"))
    if stop < start
        throw(ArgumentError("stop cannot be smaller than start"))
    if n < 2
        throw(ArgumentError("n cannot be smaller than 2"))
    step = (log(stop+2.0)-log(start+2.0))/(n-1)
    grid = zeros(n)
    grid[1] = start
    for element in 2:length(grid)
        grid[element] = exp(log(grid[element-1]+2.0) + step) - 2.0
    grid[end] = stop
	foo = 6.4
    return grid

# Model-specific types
Stores and creates all unchangable fundamenals of the model:
- Calibrated parameters.
- Assigned parameters.
- Numerical parameters.
- Grids and transition matrices.

An instance of this type can be created with default values with:

`myfundamentals = Fundamentals()`

A given parameter(s) can be assigned with:

`myfundamentals = Fundamentals(β = 0.96, gp_a = 101)`
immutable Fundamentals
	# Calibrated
	α::Float64				# Utility cost of working
	β::Float64       		# Discount factor
	γ_bar::Float64 			# Average search cost
	ϵ_γ::Float64			# Standard deviation search cost
	ρ_z::Float64			# Persistance productivity process
	σ_ϵ::Float64			# Standard deviation productivity process
	σ_q::Float64			# Standard deviation match quality process
	λ_e::Float64			# Probability of finding another job for employed agents
	λ_u::Float64			# Probability of finding a job for unemployed agents
	λ_n::Float64			# Probability of finding a jon for OLF agents
	σ::Float64				# Probability of losing a job for employed agents
	# Assigned
	μ::Float64				# Average duration
	b_0::Float64			# Default replacement ratio
	b_bar::Float64			# Benefits cap
	θ::Float64				# Capital share of output in the aggregate production function
	δ::Float64				# Capital depreciation
	τ::Float64				# Proportional tax on labor income
	# Numerical
	gp_a::Int64 			# Grid points for assets
	gp_z::Int64				# Grid points for match productivity process
	gp_q::Int64				# Grid points for match quality process
	gp_γ::Int64				# Grid points for match grid points for search effort
	min_a::Float64 			# Minimum level of assets
	max_a::Float64			# Maximum level of assets
	cover_z::Int64			# Number of standard deviations to each side the productivity process
	cover_q::Int64			# Number of standard deviations to each side the match quality process
	# Grids
	a_values::Vector{Float64} 	# Values for assets
	z_values::Vector{Float64} 	# Values producitivy process
	q_values::Vector{Float64} 	# Values match quality process
	γ_values::Vector{Float64}	# Values search cost process
	Iᴮ_values::Vector{Bool}		# Values UI status
	# Tranistion matrices
	z_z′::Array{Float64,2}		# Productivity process
	q_q′::Vector{Float64} 		# Match quality
	γ_γ′::Vector{Float64} 		# Search costs
	Iᴮ_Iᴮ′::Array{Float64,2}	# UI

	function Fundamentals(;
		α::Float64 = 0.485,
		β::Float64 = 0.99465,
		γ_bar::Float64 = 0.042,
		ϵ_γ::Float64 = 0.030,
		ρ_z::Float64 = 0.996,
		σ_ϵ::Float64 = 0.096,
		σ_q::Float64 = 0.034,
		λ_e::Float64 = 0.121,
		λ_u::Float64 = 0.278,
		λ_n::Float64 = 0.182,
		σ::Float64 = 0.0178,
		μ::Float64 = 1.0/6.0,
		b_0::Float64 = 0.23,
		b_bar::Float64 = 0.465,
		θ::Float64 = 0.3,
		δ::Float64 = 0.0067,
		τ::Float64 = 0.3,
		gp_a::Int64 = 48,
		gp_q::Int64 = 7,
		gp_z::Int64 = 20,
		gp_γ::Int64 = 3,
		min_a::Float64 = 0.0,
		max_a::Float64 = 1440.0,
		cover_z::Int64 = 2,
		cover_q::Int64 = 2
		# Grid for assets
		a_values = loggrid(min_a, max_a, gp_a)

		# Productivity process
		z_process = tauchen(gp_z, ρ_z, σ_ϵ, 0.0, cover_z)
	 	z_values = exp.(z_process.state_values)   	# Unpack vector values associated with states
		z_z′ = z_process.p                        	# Unpack transition matrix

		# Match quality process
		q_process = tauchen(gp_q, 0.0, σ_q, 0.0, cover_q)
		q_values = exp.(q_process.state_values)   	# Unpack vector values associated with states
		q_q′ = q_process.p[1,:]                   	# Unpack probability distribution (ρ = 0.0)

		# Search cost process
		γ_values = [γ_bar - ϵ_γ, γ_bar, γ_bar + ϵ_γ]          # Vector of search costs
		γ_γ′ = fill(1.0/length(γ_values), length(γ_values))   # Unifrom probability distribution

		# UI process
		Iᴮ_values = [true, false]                 # Vector of UI indicator values
		Iᴮ_Iᴮ′ = [μ 1.0-μ; 0.0 1.0]               # Tranistion matrix UI eligibility

		new(α, β, γ_bar, ϵ_γ, ρ_z, σ_ϵ, σ_q, λ_e, λ_u, λ_n, σ,
			μ, b_0, b_bar, θ, δ, τ,
			gp_a, gp_z, gp_q, gp_γ, min_a, max_a, cover_z, cover_q,
			a_values, z_values, q_values, γ_values, Iᴮ_values,
			z_z′, q_q′, γ_γ′, Iᴮ_Iᴮ′

Stores and creates model equilibirum objects:
- Prices: wage and net interest rate
- K/L ratio

A new instance requires:
- `θ`: capital share of output
- `δ`: depreciation rate

Can accept also:
- `KLratio`: capital to output ratio
- `average_z`: average productivity of employed agents
- `T`: government lump-sum transfer to households
mutable struct Equilibrium
	r::Float64				# Net interest rate
	w::Float64				# Wage
	KLratio::Float64 		# Capital to output ratio
	average_z::Float64 		# Average productivity of employed agents
	T::Float64				# Government lump-sum transfer to households

	function Equilibrium(θ::Float64, δ::Float64 ;
			KLratio::Float64 = 129.314057,
			average_z::Float64 = 2.5674,
			T::Float64 = 1.40182
		# Prices
		w = (1.0-θ)*(KLratio^θ)
        r = θ*(KLratio^(θ-1.0)) - δ
		new(r, w, KLratio, average_z, T)

Stores the Value Functions N, U, W, J, and V.

An instance of this type requires:
- `N(gp_a,gp_z)`: OLF value function
- `U(gp_a,gp_z,gp_γ,2)`: unemployed value function
- `W(gp_a,gp_z,gp_q)`: employed value function
- `gp_a`: number of grid points for asset values
- `gp_z`: number of grid points for productivity process
- `gp_q`: number of grid points for quality match process
- `gp_γ`: number of grid points for search cost process

- J(gp_a,gp_z,gp_γ,2)
- V(gp_a,gp_z,gp_q,gp_γ,2)
mutable struct ValueFunctions

    function ValueFunctions(
		gp_a::Int64, gp_z::Int64, gp_q::Int64, gp_γ ::Int64
        J = Array{Float64}(2,gp_γ,gp_z,gp_a,)
        V = Array{Float64}(2,gp_γ,gp_q,gp_z,gp_a)
        for a in 1:gp_a, z in 1:gp_z, γ in 1:gp_γ, Iᴮ in 1:2
            J[Iᴮ,γ,z,a] = max(U[Iᴮ,γ,z,a],N[z,a])
            for q in 1:gp_q
                V[Iᴮ,γ,q,z,a] = max(W[q,z,a],J[Iᴮ,γ,z,a])
        new(N, U, W, J, V)

Stores the decision rules pf_N, pf_U, pf_W
mutable struct DecisionRules

	function DecisionRules(
		new(pf_N, pf_U, pf_W)

# Model-specific functions
	utility(consumption[, works, searches, ind_γ])

Compute instantaneous utility as in Krusell et al.

# Arguments
- `consumption::Float64` : amount of consumption
- `works::Bool` : whether the agent works
- `searches:: Bool` : whether the agent seraches
- `ind_γ::Int64` : index of the serach shock
utility = function(
			works::Bool = false,
			searches::Bool = false,
			ind_γ::Int64 = 0
	if searches
		if ind_γ > 0
			aux_search = f.γ_values[ind_γ]*searches
			throw(ArgumentError("When searches is true,
								realisation_γ needs to be a valid index for γ"))
		if works
			throw(ArgumentError("Agent cannot work and search simultaneously"))
		aux_search = 0.

	if consumption <= 0.
		return -1e10
		return log(consumption) - (f.α*works) - aux_search

Compute UI payments according to the implementation in Krusell et al.

**CAREFUL**: wage already included in the function output
function benefits(f::Fundamentals, e::Equilibrium, productivity::Float64)
	if productivity <= 0.0
		throw(ArgumentError("Productivity needs to be positive!"))
		if (productivity*f.b_0) < (e.average_z*f.b_bar)
			return productivity*f.b_0*e.w
			return e.average_z*f.b_bar*e.w

Create a *function* of assets tomorrow to interpolate value for OLF Bellman equation
function value_N(
    # Unpack some variables to improve readability
	a = f.a_values[ind_a]	# Value of assets
    V = VFs.V               # Value function V
    J = VFs.J               # Value function J

    # Auxiliary vector to store the expected value for each level of assets tomorrow
    aux_exp = zeros(f.gp_a)
    @inbounds for ind_a′ in 1:f.gp_a
        @inbounds for ind_z′ in 1:f.gp_z, ind_q′ in 1:f.gp_q, ind_γ′ in 1:f.gp_γ
            prob =  f.z_z′[ind_z,ind_z′]*
            aux_exp[ind_a′] = aux_exp[ind_a′] + (prob*

    # Function of assets tomorrow
    return_f =  function(a′::Float64)
					# Define interpolation for assets tomorrow
					aux_inter = LinInterp(f.a_values, aux_exp)

                    # Compute consumption
                    c = (1.+e.r)*a + e.T - a′

                    return utility(f,c) + (f.β*aux_inter(a′))
    return return_f

Create a *function* of assets tomorrow to interpolate value for U Bellman equation
function value_U(
    # Unpack some variables to improve readability
	a = f.a_values[ind_a]			# Value of assets
    z = f.z_values[ind_z]           # Value of productivity today
    Iᴮ = f.Iᴮ_values[ind_Iᴮ]        # Value of indicator UI function (is a Boolean)
    V = VFs.V                       # Value function V
    J = VFs.J                       # Value function J

    # Auxiliary vector to store the expected value for each level of assets tomorrow
    aux_exp = zeros(f.gp_a)
    @inbounds for ind_a′ in 1:f.gp_a
        @inbounds for  ind_z′ in 1:f.gp_z, ind_q′ in 1:f.gp_q, ind_γ′ in 1:f.gp_γ, ind_Iᴮ′ in 1:2
            prob =  f.z_z′[ind_z,ind_z′]*
            aux_exp[ind_a′] = aux_exp[ind_a′] + (prob*

    return_f =  function(a′::Float64)
					# Define interpolation for assets tomorrow
					aux_inter = LinInterp(f.a_values, aux_exp)

                    # Compute consumption
                    c = (1.+e.r)*a + (1.-f.τ)*Iᴮ*benefits(f,e,z) + e.T - a′

                    return utility(f,c,false,true,ind_γ) + (f.β*aux_inter(a′))
    return return_f

Create a *function* of assets tomorrow to interpolate value for W Bellman equation
function value_W(
    # Unpack some variables to improve readability
	a = f.a_values[ind_a]			# Value of assets
    z = f.z_values[ind_z]           # Value of productivity today
	q = f.q_values[ind_q]			# Value of match quality
    V = VFs.V                       # Value function V
    J = VFs.J                       # Value function J

    # Auxiliary vector to store the expected value for each level of assets tomorrow
    aux_exp = zeros(f.gp_a)
    @inbounds for ind_a′ in 1:f.gp_a
        @inbounds for ind_z′ in 1:f.gp_z, ind_q′ in 1:f.gp_q, ind_γ′ in 1:f.gp_γ
            prob =  f.z_z′[ind_z,ind_z′]*
            aux_exp[ind_a′] = aux_exp[ind_a′] + (prob*(
                                ((1.-f.σ-f.λ_e)*V[2,ind_γ′,ind_q′,ind_z′,ind_a′]) +
                                (f.λ_e*V[2,ind_γ′,max(ind_q,ind_q′),ind_z′,ind_a′,]) +
                                (f.σ*(1.-f.λ_u)*J[1,ind_γ′,ind_z′,ind_a′]) +

    # Function of assets tomorrow
    return_f =  function(a′::Float64)
					# Define interpolation for assets tomorrow
					aux_inter = LinInterp(f.a_values, aux_exp)

                    # Compute consumption
                    c = (1.+e.r)*a + (1.-f.τ)*e.w*q + e.T - a′

                    return utility(f,c,true) + (f.β*aux_inter(a′))
    return return_f

Computes decision rules
function find_DRs(f::Fundamentals, e::Equilibrium,
		maxIter::Int64, showError::Int64, tiny::Float64, tolerance::Float64)

	# Create a guess of value functions
	VFs = ValueFunctions(
		rand(f.gp_z, f.gp_a),
		rand(2, f.gp_γ, f.gp_z, f.gp_a),
		rand(f.gp_q, f.gp_z, f.gp_a),
		f.gp_a, f.gp_z, f.gp_q, f.gp_γ

	# Create "empty" value functions
	VFsᴺ = ValueFunctions(
		zeros(f.gp_z, f.gp_a),
		zeros(2, f.gp_γ, f.gp_z, f.gp_a),
		zeros(f.gp_q, f.gp_z, f.gp_a),
		f.gp_a, f.gp_z, f.gp_q, f.gp_γ

	# Create a guess for decision rules
	DRs = DecisionRules(
		rand(f.gp_z, f.gp_a),
		rand(2, f.gp_γ, f.gp_z, f.gp_a),
		rand(f.gp_q, f.gp_z, f.gp_a)

	# Create "empty" decision rules
	DRsᴺ = DecisionRules(
		zeros(f.gp_z, f.gp_a),
		zeros(2, f.gp_γ, f.gp_z, f.gp_a),
		zeros(f.gp_q, f.gp_z, f.gp_a)

	# Value function iteration
	@inbounds for iter in 1:maxIter
	    @inbounds for ind_a in 1:f.gp_a, ind_z in 1:f.gp_z
	        # Unpack some variables to improve readability
	        a = f.a_values[ind_a]             # Value of assets today
	        z = f.z_values[ind_z]             # Value of productivity today

	        # Compute upper-boud for assets
	        aux_max_a = min(f.max_a-tiny, max(f.min_a,(1.+e.r)*a + e.T))

	        # Solve for level of assets tomorrow that maximizes value function
	        DRsᴺ.pf_N[ind_z,ind_a], VFsᴺ.N[ind_z,ind_a] =
	            golden_method(value_N(ind_a,ind_z,f,e,VFs), f.min_a, aux_max_a)

	        @inbounds for ind_q in 1:f.gp_q
	            # Unpack some variables to improve readability
	            q = f.q_values[ind_q]             # Value of match quality

	            # Compute upper-boud for assets
	            aux_max_a = min(f.max_a-tiny, max(f.min_a,(1.+e.r)*a + (1.-f.τ)*e.w*z*q + e.T))

	            # Solve for level of assets tomorrow that maximizes value function
	            DRsᴺ.pf_W[ind_q,ind_z,ind_a], VFsᴺ.W[ind_q,ind_z,ind_a] =
	                golden_method(value_W(ind_a,ind_z,ind_q,f,e,VFs), f.min_a, aux_max_a)

	        @inbounds for ind_γ in 1:f.gp_γ, ind_Iᴮ in 1:2
	            # Unpack some variables to improve readability
	            Iᴮ = f.Iᴮ_values[ind_Iᴮ]          # Value of indicator UI function (is a Boolean)

	            # Compute upper-boud for assets
	            aux_max_a = min(f.max_a-tiny, max(f.min_a,(1.+e.r)*a + (1.-f.τ)*benefits(f,e,z)*Iᴮ + e.T))

	            # Solve for level of assets tomorrow that maximizes value function
	            DRsᴺ.pf_U[ind_Iᴮ,ind_γ,ind_z,ind_a], VFsᴺ.U[ind_Iᴮ,ind_γ,ind_z,ind_a] =
	                golden_method(value_U(ind_a,ind_z,ind_γ,ind_Iᴮ,f,e,VFs), f.min_a, aux_max_a)

	    # Compute errors
	    error_N = copy(maximum(abs.(VFs.N-VFsᴺ.N)))
	    error_U = copy(maximum(abs.(VFs.U-VFsᴺ.U)))
	    error_W = copy(maximum(abs.(VFs.W-VFsᴺ.W)))
	    error_J = copy(maximum(abs.(VFs.J-VFsᴺ.J)))
	    error_V = copy(maximum(abs.(VFs.V-VFsᴺ.V)))

	    error_pf_N = copy(maximum(abs.(DRs.pf_N-DRsᴺ.pf_N)))
	    error_pf_U = copy(maximum(abs.(DRs.pf_U-DRsᴺ.pf_U)))
	    error_pf_W = copy(maximum(abs.(DRs.pf_W-DRsᴺ.pf_W)))

	    # Check if convergence is good enoguh
	    if  (error_N + error_U + error_W < tolerance) &&
	        (error_pf_N + error_pf_U + error_pf_W < tolerance)
	        println("Value function iteration finished at iteration $iter")
	    elseif rem(iter,showError) == 0
	        println("Current value function errors in iteration $iter:")
	        println("Error for N is $error_N")
	        println("Error for U is $error_U")
	        println("Error for W is $error_W")
	        println("Error for N's policy function is $error_pf_N")
	        println("Error for U's policy function is $error_pf_U")
	        println("Error for W's policy function is $error_pf_W")

	    # Update value and policy functions
	    VFs = ValueFunctions(copy(VFsᴺ.N),copy(VFsᴺ.U), copy(VFsᴺ.W),
							f.gp_a, f.gp_z, f.gp_q, f.gp_γ)
		DRs = DecisionRules(copy(DRsᴺ.pf_N), copy(DRsᴺ.pf_U), copy(DRsᴺ.pf_W))

	return VFs, DRs

# Define precision parameters
const maxIter = 20000			# Maximum number of iterations value function iteration
const showError = 100			# Frequence to display error in value function iteration
const tiny = 1e-10				# A tiny positive number
const tolerance = 1e-4			# Tolerance value function iteration

# Create an instance of fundamentals with default values
myFund = Fundamentals()

# Create an instance of Equilibrium with guessed/defult values
myEq = Equilibrium(myFund.θ, myFund.δ)

# Create a guess of value functions
VFs = ValueFunctions(
	rand(myFund.gp_z, myFund.gp_a),
	rand(2, myFund.gp_γ, myFund.gp_z, myFund.gp_a),
	rand(myFund.gp_q, myFund.gp_z, myFund.gp_a),
	myFund.gp_a, myFund.gp_z, myFund.gp_q, myFund.gp_γ

# Compute value functions and decision rules
@time VFs, DRs = find_DRs(myFund, myEq, maxIter, showError, tiny, tolerance)

I have a few comments:
You are computing the LinInterp object inside the return_f function, but it does not depend on the argument, so this can be moved outside like so:

# Define interpolation for assets tomorrow
	aux_inter = LinInterp(f.a_values, aux_exp)
    # Function of assets tomorrow
    return_f =  let aux_inter = aux_inter 
                    # Compute consumption
                    c = (1.+e.r)*a + e.T - a′

                    return utility(f,c) + (f.β*aux_inter(a′))
    return return_f

Since this function appears three times, you should move it outside 3 times. I got almost a 2x speedup by doing that.

Also, your utility function has a lot of branches , which might be costly relative to the rather cheap function, and this function is called extremely often so you should try to optimize it as much as possible. For example, maybe the error checks don’t need to be there, or could be enabled with a const DEBUG = true flag. I usually just take log(max(0, c) to get -Inf whenever it is negative; I think this ended up being a little faster than using an if statement.

Finally, is the LinInterp from QuantEcon fast? I’ve never used it. The Interpolations.jl package is very fast.

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One more thing I noticed.

You defined

utility = function(

If you change this to the usual way we define functions,

function utility(

you get another big speedup, and the memory allocation went down about 5x for me. I think the way you did it has utility as a global variable.


In these kinds of loops

# Auxiliary vector to store the expected value for each level of assets tomorrow
    aux_exp = zeros(f.gp_a)
    @inbounds for ind_a′ in 1:f.gp_a
        @inbounds for  ind_z′ in 1:f.gp_z, ind_q′ in 1:f.gp_q, ind_γ′ in 1:f.gp_γ, ind_Iᴮ′ in 1:2
            prob =  f.z_z′[ind_z,ind_z′]*
            aux_exp[ind_a′] = aux_exp[ind_a′] + (prob*

I got a nice speedup when you move some of the operations out of the innermost loop

aux_exp = zeros(f.gp_a)
c1 = (1.-f.λ_u)
@inbounds for ind_a′ in 1:f.gp_a
    for ind_z′ in 1:f.gp_z
        prob2 = f.z_z′[ind_z,ind_z′] # this access is not good, would be better to transpose f.z_z´
        for ind_q′ in 1:f.gp_q
            prob1 = prob2 * f.q_q′[ind_q′]
            for ind_γ′ in 1:f.gp_γ, ind_Iᴮ′ in 1:2
              prob = f.γ_γ′[ind_γ′]*f.Iᴮ_Iᴮ′[ind_Iᴮ,ind_Iᴮ′]
              aux_exp[ind_a′] += (prob* ((f.λ_u*V[ind_Iᴮ′,ind_γ′,ind_q′,ind_z′,ind_a′])+

Also you could probably unroll the innermost loop by hand (but I am not sure whether the compiler does that for you automatically)

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Thank you, Sascha. I thought about this but that would reduce how readable is the code for humans. Which is one of the reasons why I want to move from Fortran to Julia.

With (most of) your suggestions. The execution time has been reduced to around 30 minutes. Thank you all.

I think Julia has lots to offer but it’s not ideal for this project. I’m going back to Fortran.

Here is the last version I ran:

# Load packages
using QuantEcon # For Tauchen AR(1) approximation, linear interpolation
using BenchmarkTools, Compat # Time benckmarking

# Numerical functions
    loggrid(start, stop, n)

Construct a "logarithmic" grid as implemented in Krusell et al.
function loggrid(start::Float64, stop::Float64, n::Int64)
    # Check start is positive
    if start < 0
        throw(ArgumentError("start cannot be negative"))
    if stop < 0
        throw(ArgumentError("stop cannot be negative"))
    if stop < start
        throw(ArgumentError("stop cannot be smaller than start"))
    if n < 2
        throw(ArgumentError("n cannot be smaller than 2"))
    step = (log(stop+2.0)-log(start+2.0))/(n-1)
    grid = zeros(n)
    grid[1] = start
    for element in 2:length(grid)
        grid[element] = exp(log(grid[element-1]+2.0) + step) - 2.0
    grid[end] = stop
	foo = 6.4
    return grid

# Model-specific types
Stores and creates all unchangable fundamenals of the model:
- Calibrated parameters.
- Assigned parameters.
- Numerical parameters.
- Grids and transition matrices.

An instance of this type can be created with default values with:

`myfundamentals = Fundamentals()`

A given parameter(s) can be assigned with:

`myfundamentals = Fundamentals(β = 0.96, gp_a = 101)`
immutable Fundamentals
	# Calibrated
	α::Float64				# Utility cost of working
	β::Float64       		# Discount factor
	γ_bar::Float64 			# Average search cost
	ϵ_γ::Float64			# Standard deviation search cost
	ρ_z::Float64			# Persistance productivity process
	σ_ϵ::Float64			# Standard deviation productivity process
	σ_q::Float64			# Standard deviation match quality process
	λ_e::Float64			# Probability of finding another job for employed agents
	λ_u::Float64			# Probability of finding a job for unemployed agents
	λ_n::Float64			# Probability of finding a jon for OLF agents
	σ::Float64				# Probability of losing a job for employed agents
	# Assigned
	μ::Float64				# Average duration
	b_0::Float64			# Default replacement ratio
	b_bar::Float64			# Benefits cap
	θ::Float64				# Capital share of output in the aggregate production function
	δ::Float64				# Capital depreciation
	τ::Float64				# Proportional tax on labor income
	# Numerical
	gp_a::Int64 			# Grid points for assets
	gp_z::Int64				# Grid points for match productivity process
	gp_q::Int64				# Grid points for match quality process
	gp_γ::Int64				# Grid points for match grid points for search effort
	min_a::Float64 			# Minimum level of assets
	max_a::Float64			# Maximum level of assets
	cover_z::Int64			# Number of standard deviations to each side the productivity process
	cover_q::Int64			# Number of standard deviations to each side the match quality process
	# Grids
	a_values::Vector{Float64} 	# Values for assets
	z_values::Vector{Float64} 	# Values producitivy process
	q_values::Vector{Float64} 	# Values match quality process
	γ_values::Vector{Float64}	# Values search cost process
	Iᴮ_values::Vector{Bool}		# Values UI status
	# Tranistion matrices
	z_z′::Array{Float64,2}		# Productivity process
	q_q′::Vector{Float64} 		# Match quality
	γ_γ′::Vector{Float64} 		# Search costs
	Iᴮ_Iᴮ′::Array{Float64,2}	# UI

	function Fundamentals(;
		α::Float64 = 0.485,
		β::Float64 = 0.99465,
		γ_bar::Float64 = 0.042,
		ϵ_γ::Float64 = 0.030,
		ρ_z::Float64 = 0.996,
		σ_ϵ::Float64 = 0.096,
		σ_q::Float64 = 0.034,
		λ_e::Float64 = 0.121,
		λ_u::Float64 = 0.278,
		λ_n::Float64 = 0.182,
		σ::Float64 = 0.0178,
		μ::Float64 = 1.0/6.0,
		b_0::Float64 = 0.23,
		b_bar::Float64 = 0.465,
		θ::Float64 = 0.3,
		δ::Float64 = 0.0067,
		τ::Float64 = 0.3,
		gp_a::Int64 = 48,
		gp_q::Int64 = 7,
		gp_z::Int64 = 20,
		gp_γ::Int64 = 3,
		min_a::Float64 = 0.0,
		max_a::Float64 = 1440.0,
		cover_z::Int64 = 2,
		cover_q::Int64 = 2
		# Grid for assets
		a_values = loggrid(min_a, max_a, gp_a)

		# Productivity process
		z_process = tauchen(gp_z, ρ_z, σ_ϵ, 0.0, cover_z)
	 	z_values = exp.(z_process.state_values)   	# Unpack vector values associated with states
		z_z′ = z_process.p                        	# Unpack transition matrix

		# Match quality process
		q_process = tauchen(gp_q, 0.0, σ_q, 0.0, cover_q)
		q_values = exp.(q_process.state_values)   	# Unpack vector values associated with states
		q_q′ = q_process.p[1,:]                   	# Unpack probability distribution (ρ = 0.0)

		# Search cost process
		γ_values = [γ_bar - ϵ_γ, γ_bar, γ_bar + ϵ_γ]          # Vector of search costs
		γ_γ′ = fill(1.0/length(γ_values), length(γ_values))   # Unifrom probability distribution

		# UI process
		Iᴮ_values = [true, false]                 # Vector of UI indicator values
		Iᴮ_Iᴮ′ = [μ 1.0-μ; 0.0 1.0]               # Tranistion matrix UI eligibility

		new(α, β, γ_bar, ϵ_γ, ρ_z, σ_ϵ, σ_q, λ_e, λ_u, λ_n, σ,
			μ, b_0, b_bar, θ, δ, τ,
			gp_a, gp_z, gp_q, gp_γ, min_a, max_a, cover_z, cover_q,
			a_values, z_values, q_values, γ_values, Iᴮ_values,
			z_z′, q_q′, γ_γ′, Iᴮ_Iᴮ′

Stores and creates model equilibirum objects:
- Prices: wage and net interest rate
- K/L ratio

A new instance requires:
- `θ`: capital share of output
- `δ`: depreciation rate

Can accept also:
- `KLratio`: capital to output ratio
- `average_z`: average productivity of employed agents
- `T`: government lump-sum transfer to households
mutable struct Equilibrium
	r::Float64				# Net interest rate
	w::Float64				# Wage
	KLratio::Float64 		# Capital to output ratio
	average_z::Float64 		# Average productivity of employed agents
	T::Float64				# Government lump-sum transfer to households

	function Equilibrium(θ::Float64, δ::Float64 ;
			KLratio::Float64 = 129.314057,
			average_z::Float64 = 2.5674,
			T::Float64 = 1.40182
		# Prices
		w = (1.0-θ)*(KLratio^θ)
        r = θ*(KLratio^(θ-1.0)) - δ
		new(r, w, KLratio, average_z, T)

Stores the Value Functions N, U, W, J, and V.

An instance of this type requires:
- `N(gp_a,gp_z)`: OLF value function
- `U(gp_a,gp_z,gp_γ,2)`: unemployed value function
- `W(gp_a,gp_z,gp_q)`: employed value function
- `gp_a`: number of grid points for asset values
- `gp_z`: number of grid points for productivity process
- `gp_q`: number of grid points for quality match process
- `gp_γ`: number of grid points for search cost process

- J(gp_a,gp_z,gp_γ,2)
- V(gp_a,gp_z,gp_q,gp_γ,2)
mutable struct ValueFunctions

    function ValueFunctions(
		gp_a::Int64, gp_z::Int64, gp_q::Int64, gp_γ ::Int64
        J = Array{Float64}(2,gp_γ,gp_z,gp_a,)
        V = Array{Float64}(2,gp_γ,gp_q,gp_z,gp_a)
        for a in 1:gp_a, z in 1:gp_z, γ in 1:gp_γ, Iᴮ in 1:2
            J[Iᴮ,γ,z,a] = max(U[Iᴮ,γ,z,a],N[z,a])
            for q in 1:gp_q
                V[Iᴮ,γ,q,z,a] = max(W[q,z,a],J[Iᴮ,γ,z,a])
        new(N, U, W, J, V)

Stores the decision rules pf_N, pf_U, pf_W
mutable struct DecisionRules

	function DecisionRules(
		new(pf_N, pf_U, pf_W)

# Model-specific functions
u(c) = log(max(1e-300,c))


Compute UI payments according to the implementation in Krusell et al.

**CAREFUL**: wage already included in the function output
function benefits(f::Fundamentals, e::Equilibrium, productivity::Float64)
	if (productivity*f.b_0) < (e.average_z*f.b_bar)
		return productivity*f.b_0*e.w
		return e.average_z*f.b_bar*e.w

Create a *function* of assets tomorrow to interpolate value for OLF Bellman equation
function value_N(
    # Unpack some variables to improve readability
	a = f.a_values[ind_a]	# Value of assets
    V = VFs.V               # Value function V
    J = VFs.J               # Value function J

    # Auxiliary vector to store the expected value for each level of assets tomorrow
    aux_exp = zeros(f.gp_a)
    @inbounds for ind_a′ in 1:f.gp_a
        @inbounds for ind_z′ in 1:f.gp_z, ind_q′ in 1:f.gp_q, ind_γ′ in 1:f.gp_γ
            prob =  f.z_z′[ind_z,ind_z′]*
            aux_exp[ind_a′] = aux_exp[ind_a′] + (prob*

	# Define interpolation for assets tomorrow
	aux_inter = LinInterp(f.a_values, aux_exp)

    # Function of assets tomorrow
    return_f =  let aux_inter = aux_inter
            # Compute consumption
            c = (1.+e.r)*a + e.T - a′

            return u(c) + (f.β*aux_inter(a′))
    return return_f

Create a *function* of assets tomorrow to interpolate value for U Bellman equation
function value_U(
    # Unpack some variables to improve readability
	a = f.a_values[ind_a]			# Value of assets
    z = f.z_values[ind_z]           # Value of productivity today
    Iᴮ = f.Iᴮ_values[ind_Iᴮ]        # Value of indicator UI function (is a Boolean)
    V = VFs.V                       # Value function V
    J = VFs.J                       # Value function J

    # Auxiliary vector to store the expected value for each level of assets tomorrow
    aux_exp = zeros(f.gp_a)
    @inbounds for ind_a′ in 1:f.gp_a
        @inbounds for  ind_z′ in 1:f.gp_z, ind_q′ in 1:f.gp_q, ind_γ′ in 1:f.gp_γ, ind_Iᴮ′ in 1:2
            prob =  f.z_z′[ind_z,ind_z′]*
            aux_exp[ind_a′] = aux_exp[ind_a′] + (prob*

	# Define interpolation for assets tomorrow
	aux_inter = LinInterp(f.a_values, aux_exp)

    # Function of assets tomorrow
    return_f =  let aux_inter = aux_inter
            # Compute consumption
            c = (1.+e.r)*a + (1.-f.τ)*Iᴮ*benefits(f,e,z) + e.T - a′

            return u(c) - f.γ_values[ind_γ] + (f.β*aux_inter(a′))
    return return_f

Create a *function* of assets tomorrow to interpolate value for W Bellman equation
function value_W(
    # Unpack some variables to improve readability
	a = f.a_values[ind_a]			# Value of assets
    z = f.z_values[ind_z]           # Value of productivity today
	q = f.q_values[ind_q]			# Value of match quality
    V = VFs.V                       # Value function V
    J = VFs.J                       # Value function J

    # Auxiliary vector to store the expected value for each level of assets tomorrow
    aux_exp = zeros(f.gp_a)
    @inbounds for ind_a′ in 1:f.gp_a
        @inbounds for ind_z′ in 1:f.gp_z, ind_q′ in 1:f.gp_q, ind_γ′ in 1:f.gp_γ
            prob =  f.z_z′[ind_z,ind_z′]*
            aux_exp[ind_a′] = aux_exp[ind_a′] + (prob*(
                                ((1.-f.σ-f.λ_e)*V[2,ind_γ′,ind_q′,ind_z′,ind_a′]) +
                                (f.λ_e*V[2,ind_γ′,max(ind_q,ind_q′),ind_z′,ind_a′,]) +
                                (f.σ*(1.-f.λ_u)*J[1,ind_γ′,ind_z′,ind_a′]) +

	# Define interpolation for assets tomorrow
	aux_inter = LinInterp(f.a_values, aux_exp)

    # Function of assets tomorrow
	return_f =  let aux_inter = aux_inter
            # Compute consumption
            c = (1.+e.r)*a + (1.-f.τ)*e.w*q + e.T - a′

            return u(c) - f.α + (f.β*aux_inter(a′))
    return return_f

Computes decision rules
function find_DRs(f::Fundamentals, e::Equilibrium,
		maxIter::Int64, showError::Int64, tiny::Float64, tolerance::Float64)

	# Create a guess of value functions
	VFs = ValueFunctions(
		rand(f.gp_z, f.gp_a),
		rand(2, f.gp_γ, f.gp_z, f.gp_a),
		rand(f.gp_q, f.gp_z, f.gp_a),
		f.gp_a, f.gp_z, f.gp_q, f.gp_γ

	# Create "empty" value functions
	VFsᴺ = ValueFunctions(
		zeros(f.gp_z, f.gp_a),
		zeros(2, f.gp_γ, f.gp_z, f.gp_a),
		zeros(f.gp_q, f.gp_z, f.gp_a),
		f.gp_a, f.gp_z, f.gp_q, f.gp_γ

	# Create a guess for decision rules
	DRs = DecisionRules(
		rand(f.gp_z, f.gp_a),
		rand(2, f.gp_γ, f.gp_z, f.gp_a),
		rand(f.gp_q, f.gp_z, f.gp_a)

	# Create "empty" decision rules
	DRsᴺ = DecisionRules(
		zeros(f.gp_z, f.gp_a),
		zeros(2, f.gp_γ, f.gp_z, f.gp_a),
		zeros(f.gp_q, f.gp_z, f.gp_a)

	# Value function iteration
	@inbounds for iter in 1:maxIter
	    @inbounds for ind_a in 1:f.gp_a, ind_z in 1:f.gp_z
	        # Unpack some variables to improve readability
	        a = f.a_values[ind_a]             # Value of assets today
	        z = f.z_values[ind_z]             # Value of productivity today

	        # Compute upper-boud for assets
	        aux_max_a = min(f.max_a-tiny, max(f.min_a,(1.+e.r)*a + e.T))

	        # Solve for level of assets tomorrow that maximizes value function
	        DRsᴺ.pf_N[ind_z,ind_a], VFsᴺ.N[ind_z,ind_a] =
	            golden_method(value_N(ind_a,ind_z,f,e,VFs), f.min_a, aux_max_a)

	        @inbounds for ind_q in 1:f.gp_q
	            # Unpack some variables to improve readability
	            q = f.q_values[ind_q]             # Value of match quality

	            # Compute upper-boud for assets
	            aux_max_a = min(f.max_a-tiny, max(f.min_a,(1.+e.r)*a + (1.-f.τ)*e.w*z*q + e.T))

	            # Solve for level of assets tomorrow that maximizes value function
	            DRsᴺ.pf_W[ind_q,ind_z,ind_a], VFsᴺ.W[ind_q,ind_z,ind_a] =
	                golden_method(value_W(ind_a,ind_z,ind_q,f,e,VFs), f.min_a, aux_max_a)

	        @inbounds for ind_γ in 1:f.gp_γ, ind_Iᴮ in 1:2
	            # Unpack some variables to improve readability
	            Iᴮ = f.Iᴮ_values[ind_Iᴮ]          # Value of indicator UI function (is a Boolean)

	            # Compute upper-boud for assets
	            aux_max_a = min(f.max_a-tiny, max(f.min_a,(1.+e.r)*a + (1.-f.τ)*benefits(f,e,z)*Iᴮ + e.T))

	            # Solve for level of assets tomorrow that maximizes value function
	            DRsᴺ.pf_U[ind_Iᴮ,ind_γ,ind_z,ind_a], VFsᴺ.U[ind_Iᴮ,ind_γ,ind_z,ind_a] =
	                golden_method(value_U(ind_a,ind_z,ind_γ,ind_Iᴮ,f,e,VFs), f.min_a, aux_max_a)

	    # Compute errors
	    error_N = copy(maximum(abs.(VFs.N-VFsᴺ.N)))
	    error_U = copy(maximum(abs.(VFs.U-VFsᴺ.U)))
	    error_W = copy(maximum(abs.(VFs.W-VFsᴺ.W)))
	    error_J = copy(maximum(abs.(VFs.J-VFsᴺ.J)))
	    error_V = copy(maximum(abs.(VFs.V-VFsᴺ.V)))

	    error_pf_N = copy(maximum(abs.(DRs.pf_N-DRsᴺ.pf_N)))
	    error_pf_U = copy(maximum(abs.(DRs.pf_U-DRsᴺ.pf_U)))
	    error_pf_W = copy(maximum(abs.(DRs.pf_W-DRsᴺ.pf_W)))

	    # Check if convergence is good enoguh
	    if  (error_N + error_U + error_W < tolerance) &&
	        (error_pf_N + error_pf_U + error_pf_W < tolerance)
	        println("Value function iteration finished at iteration $iter")
	    elseif rem(iter,showError) == 0
	        println("Current value function errors in iteration $iter:")
	        println("Error for N is $error_N")
	        println("Error for U is $error_U")
	        println("Error for W is $error_W")
	        println("Error for N's policy function is $error_pf_N")
	        println("Error for U's policy function is $error_pf_U")
	        println("Error for W's policy function is $error_pf_W")

	    # Update value and policy functions
	    VFs = ValueFunctions(copy(VFsᴺ.N),copy(VFsᴺ.U), copy(VFsᴺ.W),
							f.gp_a, f.gp_z, f.gp_q, f.gp_γ)
		DRs = DecisionRules(copy(DRsᴺ.pf_N), copy(DRsᴺ.pf_U), copy(DRsᴺ.pf_W))

	return VFs, DRs

# Define precision parameters
const maxIter = 20000			# Maximum number of iterations value function iteration
const showError = 100			# Frequence to display error in value function iteration
const tiny = 1e-10				# A tiny positive number
const tolerance = 1e-4			# Tolerance value function iteration

# Create an instance of fundamentals with default values
myFund = Fundamentals()

# Create an instance of Equilibrium with guessed/defult values
myEq = Equilibrium(myFund.θ, myFund.δ)

# Create a guess of value functions
VFs = ValueFunctions(
	rand(myFund.gp_z, myFund.gp_a),
	rand(2, myFund.gp_γ, myFund.gp_z, myFund.gp_a),
	rand(myFund.gp_q, myFund.gp_z, myFund.gp_a),
	myFund.gp_a, myFund.gp_z, myFund.gp_q, myFund.gp_γ

# Compute value functions and decision rules
@time VFs, DRs = find_DRs(myFund, myEq, maxIter, showError, tiny, tolerance)